Cat Lover photo tips

March 23rd, 2013
Just thought I would share this article with all the cat lovers out there.
March 23rd, 2013
As a (crazy) cat person, I have taken many shots of my cat (Ruby) and I find the more I take the chances of getting a good shot increases!! Also be willing to lie on the floor and make silly sounds, that seems to get my cat to look at me. In the photo below, she just loved the mirror and I was able to achieve quite a few good shots.

March 23rd, 2013
Thanks ;) it's true about black cats as I find mine really hard to photograph inside, and she rarely sits still enough unless she is asleep. But then being black and all curled up you can't get an interesting pic! Maybe with the weather so horrible this weekend, that's what I'll be trying. Great info ;)

@joluise this is such a funny photo! Great idea ;)
March 23rd, 2013
@andrina agreed, bad weather=ill post another picture of my cat. certainly what i thought and did today!
March 23rd, 2013
Thanks for sharing interesting article
I totally agree with Jo I love her Ruby shots and its not easy with a black cat to get a good photo.
My cat has lack and white wich makes it a bit easier to take some nice shots .
This is on taken at our garden pond this winter
March 23rd, 2013
@joluise @andrina When reading this article I remembered a black on black tip I got from Nikon and wondered if it would work for the cats (or dogs). They suggested using a blue gel on one side of your subject and a yellow gel on the other side. Of course your cat would probalby have to be napping or they probably wouldn't cooperate for you to set up all the flashes.
March 23rd, 2013
@jaynspain Took a quick look at your album. Nice cat photo.
March 23rd, 2013
@khirsch I love this photo. Great reflection.
March 23rd, 2013
I have the opposite problem.....she won't leave me alone!

March 23rd, 2013
@welcometocarolworld I had a cat that way. No matter what I was doing she was either jealous or curious and had to be in the middle of it.
March 23rd, 2013
Lol, dropping a book...I know cats who would freak out completely by doing just that. It would make a great shot though, frightened cat hanging on the ceiling.
@welcometocarolworld Lol, looks too familiar. Lovely shot by the way.
I also love the other shots as well, great mirrorcatshot!
But it is definately true that black cats (as other black animals) are rather difficult to photograph. They turn into big black blurs so easily. Luckily I've got some great working material, my brother's black cat:

March 23rd, 2013
I set up my ottoman near my french doors in the daylight.

March 23rd, 2013
Or just outside...
March 23rd, 2013
My Abby loves to pose for me all the time, this is one of my favourites :]

But I've had horrible luck getting pictures of my other 2 cats, especially my black one.
March 23rd, 2013
@pum71 Yep, I was kind of taken aback by that advice, also. My cats would have scrambled so fast you would never have gotten a picture of them.
March 23rd, 2013
@cableknitdragon I love the pink noses and ears of white cats. I hope some of the advice helps with your other two.
March 24th, 2013
@tskipper Nice pic's. You have probably got this mastered.
March 24th, 2013
The other thing I do with my black cat (Ruby) is make sure she is against another colour, red or white are best for her - that way she really stands out. A white bathtub is perfect as in the bottom shot.

March 24th, 2013
I've taken quite a few pics of my cats, and getting down to their level really helps. Also, having some sort of attention grabber at the camera helps. I tend to just call my cats with the clicking noises of my mouth, since thats what they respond to.

March 26th, 2013
@joluise Ooh, I like the red one.
April 2nd, 2013
I have two cats, a mother and her son. The mother is easy to shoot compared to her son.

Here's my lucky shot of him:

April 2nd, 2013
@pum71 cute cat!
April 4th, 2013
My friends and I wanted to get a photo of all three of their cats together. If you ever find yourself wanting a few cats to gather around and look at the camera, we found two things that work perfectly... catnip and a laser pointer.
We lured the kitties to the desired area by sprinkling a little bit of catnip. Once they were there, we pointed the laser pointer (out of reach) in whatever direction we wanted them to look.
It was perfect! [=
April 6th, 2013
@hagata Fantastic shot. You really have his attention.
April 6th, 2013
@godsloverphotography Adorable. I bet he is a challenge to photograph.
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