MEEP! First shoot!

May 7th, 2013
So don't ask me how this happened, but I've somehow managed to land myself a portrait session next week! ARGH.

Of course, with this new impending doom I have forgotten all useful information which at one point resided in my brain in a blind panic.

*Breath in through the nose, out through the mouth*

I'll be taking my backdrop but will be mostly relying on Mother Nature for lighting and I'll be photographing comedians so I guess the images should be bright and bold.

Does anyone have any fancy tips or knowledge I can steal?

Maybe I should just have a drink beforehand. Bwahaha.

May 7th, 2013
A bottle of Dom Pérignon !
May 7th, 2013
Oh wow! Good luck!
May 7th, 2013
Drink lots...comedians are very sombre people
May 7th, 2013
Ah, you'll be fine.

And, yeah, always get in drink in first! ;)
May 7th, 2013
Good luck, I am sure you will be fine. I am doing a portrait session in a couple of weeks for four generations. Let me know if the drink helps!
May 7th, 2013
Good luck Amy! Don't rely solely on the backdrop. If there are any other interesting backgrounds try to use those too. At least if you're photographing comedians maybe you can rely on them to tell the tacky jokes to get the smiles :). I'm sure you'll do great. Can't wait to see the pics!
May 7th, 2013
I don't have any tips, but congrats, I know you'll do a great job !! look forward to seeing the pics :)
May 7th, 2013
Good luck and have fun! Get them wigs? No? Oh well, I'm not very helpful, sorry!
May 7th, 2013
Your work is amazing! Have a blast!
May 7th, 2013
@emmasteil I would have loved to take them outside doing some fun stuff but I think they have to have the white backdrop for their advertising posters for gigs etc. Maybe I'll see if any of them fancy it anyways!
May 7th, 2013
Feed them a lot of carrots first, they don't bounce around so much when they are full.
May 7th, 2013
Get the to laugh! Each person has a unique pose, or gaze, or motion that defines them. Loosening them up allows them to find it quickly for you. Given your post I don't think you'll have any difficulty doing that :-P

Tip on the backdrop - however you place it, make sure the light falls evenly across it. It's painful to have to correct it in post processing - that's the voice of experience talking!
May 7th, 2013
I'm not sure I have any useful get out of jail cards for this! I would be thinking of the light, always thinking of the light...
May 7th, 2013
Amy, what a lucky subject! You will do great portraits -- I would love to have you do mine!
May 7th, 2013
have a shitload of pose ideas ready cuz when you think you have enough, they wont last but five minutes in real time
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