Easy DIY Fill-Flash Helper

July 1st, 2013
Hi there! I'm a bit new to the site, but so far it has been great for me. This morning, I wanted to take a photo of my dog, but since he moves around, I find I get better photos with the flash.

If you have a dog that you photograph with a point-and-shoot (or maybe even DSLR's, but I wouldn't know because I don't have one yet), that with flash you might get the creepy-dog-eye, where a huge glowing green cataract type thing appears to take over your dog's eye.

I may have found a solution to this.

I figured out that if you put a tiny reciept (my mom had one since they gave her a tiny little birthday coupon on a reciept, and since it is July now, it has expired) over the built in flash, it eliminates the green-creepy-dog-eye. I think this would work great for portraits as well, and is definitely a very cheap alternative to buying a light scoop.

One thing that I have not yet figured out, however, is how to get it to stay over the flash without me holding it there. I don't want to use tape, as that might ruin the finish on the camera or something. Any ideas on that would be helpful as well.

Hope this is as helpful to you as it was to me! Have fun!
July 1st, 2013
I've done that on my DSLR when I was too lazy to attach my external flash. On mine, I was able to wrap it around in such a way that it would stay on its own, but I'm not sure that would be an option on a point-and-shoot. Maybe you could use a bit of plastic wrap and wrap it around the paper and the camera body in such a way that it secures the paper but doesn't cover the lens...? Just a thought. Welcome to 365! :)
July 1st, 2013
hey neat idea might have to try this.
welcome to 365! you will have a blast I have.
July 1st, 2013
I can't remember where I found this tip - years ago - but I readily share. ;-)

Making yourself a cheap flash diffuser for your pop-up flash:
1) Get a table tennis ball (different colours give different results).
2) Very carefully cut an opening in the ball, matching the size of your flash.
3) Place ball on top of flash; covering it.
4) Shoot! ;-)

If you shoot with 135 film, you can use the plastic container for the film in the same way, if you have any left.
July 1st, 2013
@bankmann How do you attach that ping pong ball though? another person told me about this, but I have not tried it yet.
July 1st, 2013
The trick is to make the opening just large enough; it'll keep itself in place. Different cameras have different size pop up flash, so that will affect the diffuser's ability to 'sit still'...
July 1st, 2013
I've done the same on my speedlight with a small bubble wrap bag and an elastic - worked pretty well and easy to pack along.
July 2nd, 2013
@istacy1011 Thanks for your suggestion, I may have figured it out. Even though it slightly gets in the way of the touch screen and one of the controls, I tied some yarn around it, two pieces, one on each side of the little flash, and made it really tight. It seems to work for now, and I'll just have to settle with untying or cutting the knot each time I want to use it. Maybe I'll post a picture of it tomorrow. :)
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