I don't have time to upload photos...what should I do?

December 1st, 2013
Ok, so sometimes I really don't feel like uploading something.
Other times, I simply cannot be motivated.
But most likely of all- I can't find my camera.

Sometimes I feel like I don't have time to get on the laptop
and do work. I find its too fiddly with all the cables etc. and
it doesn't always work. Just...NEED MORE TIME!!!

I can't always get another snap on my camera...or I simply haven't had
enough time to find a decent area/subject.

Please, I need your tips, hints and general advice. Thanks.
December 1st, 2013
Well..upload another day. I take a shot a day but it isn't always I have the time or energy to upload on the same day. Take it easy, your project, complete it how it works for you. Relax xx
December 1st, 2013
I don't always upload at same day too. It is not important when you upload, but when you took the image. I suggest you to take all your images, but do it everyday, and upload a selection (1 per day) at the end of week. Or every 3 days or so, whenever you have time.
December 1st, 2013
Sometimes I'll take a bunch on photos on a Saturday and use them during the week. I agree with the people above. Relax and have fun. It's your project, so it's your rules.
December 1st, 2013
I take a photo everyday, but I have got into the habit of uploading a day late. I normally upload first thing the following day, I am not usually in a rush at that time of day to get out to work early, and it gives me a chance to take a photo late in an evening or to decide which one I really want to post if I have a choice. Like what has already been said, it's your project just find a way that suits your life and commitments. I will try and save you a little bit of time by using the thread to say thank you very much for all your kind and lovely comments on my photographs today. This will save you looking again to read my comments. Thank you.
December 1st, 2013
I, too, make a point of shooting everyday...even if it's late and even if it's nothing interesting. It makes me keep the camera handy and charged. Posting IS hard to keep up with. I just catch up when I can, usually posting two-three days at a time.
December 1st, 2013
Don't feel like it
not motivated
can't find your camera
don't know how to work the laptop
don't have the time

I think that's enough excuses to move onto something else and call it a day. I think there's solutions to one of those, but not all of them, especially when not wanting to do it, not being okay with laptops (should be one cable, the power lead, its the one which goes from the laptop to the wall socket.) and not finding your camera are in there. A desire to do it, knowing where your camera is, and knowing how to turn a laptop on are basic requirements for this kind of thing. If the laptop doesn't always work you might need to get it repaired also. It's no shame to not do 365, start a flickr and keep up with your friends photos on there and upload when you feel like it.
December 1st, 2013
@chewyteeth Must say I agree with Dave on this one. Find something else to do if all these things are a problem.
December 1st, 2013
@eleanorpanda I really feel for you and totally understand, Lack of time for everything can really stress a person out - especially at Christmas time when there are a million things to do.
Relax, and take 365 off your plate for while. You can always pick it up later when life settles down a bit.
That will relieve some stress, and give you some much needed time.
365 isn't another chore that needs to be done. It is supposed to be fun. Don't compare yourself to others who are able to post every day - their circumstances and passions are just different from yours.
But most of all, take care of yourself.
December 2nd, 2013
"I really don't feel like uploading something"
"I simply cannot be motivated."
" I can't find my camera"
" I don't have time to get on the laptop"
" I simply haven't had enough time to find a decent area/subject."

Hmmm .... why do you want to do this project? All this negativity and you want us to do what? Motivate you? Help you find your camera? Until you find self-motivation, none of us can help you. It's starts from within yourself. This project isn't for everyone. And I agree with Dave ( @chewyteeth ). Unless you find your own reasons for doing this project or any other project, you will never stay with it. So, why did you start this project to begin with?
December 2nd, 2013
I would like to try to encourage you but it sounds odd to me that while being on 365 you can't find your camera! I don't always take a picture a day, but my camera is always with me. Granted I can't hear your voice as you're saying these words, so you may just be exaggerating to make a point. But it's really important you figure out why you want to do 365 to begin with. If you've been talked in to it by a friend, but you're really not into it, then don't feel guilty saying, "this is not for me" but posting occasionally on Facebook or some other photo spot is". But if you really do want to keep up with 365, first and foremost it should involve some sort of commitment (as per some of those suggestions above) and then it should be something you enjoy, not a burden like paying a bill! If you really enjoy it, you'll want to learn how to conquer the laptop and the camera will be with you more often than not. As for subject matter- that is really a matter of learning to open your eyes and see everything differently. Sometimes the challenges can help you do that, but in reality it depends more on how attentive to your world you are. I've been on 365 for 3 years. And during those 3 years I've had spurts (months at a time) where I've been without transportation. So, subjects were either what was in the house, or just outside it. Believe me, there are a wealth of subjects out there- it's up to you to SEE them. So, really think about why you're here and if it's the right place for you. If you truly want to learn, there is not a better more supportive community. But if that's not where you are right now, and you really do have a limited amount of time to give it, then maybe it's better to postpone the project or stop altogether. I wish you the best as you decide what to do.
December 5th, 2013
Hi All,

I Run a Post Production company in India have been catering to a lot of clients in India & abroad like (Jasmine Star, Art Wolfe,Yuri Arcurs, Andriy Popov, Sergey Borisov, Matthew Evans.Dean Mitchell etc... )

We have helped various type of photographers to concentrate on their shoots, by doing their entire retouching and color correction work for them.

Our goal is to help you concentrate on shoots and leave the post production hassles to us. We love doing it!

We also serve to Stock & Microstock photographers and agencies across the globe.

We also serve to Stock Agencies and their photographers.

Some of our services with an experience of over 6 years specializing in:-

1) Raw conversion/Raw processing
2) Color Correction
3) Wedding Services (Color Correction)
4) Dust Spotting (Any Impurities on the images, Sensor spots, dark and
light dust etc... Removal)
5) Product/Jewelry Re- touching Services
6) Image Editing/Re touching (Basic Medium Glamour)
Face & body make over, beauty touch-up, makeup corrections
Body/face/arms/legs reshaping, Braces removal, Sharpen, brighten &
Enhance contrast
7) Stock Image Processing.
8) Restoration. Virtual 360degree Image editing and much More...
9) Clipping Path and Isolation.
10) Virtual 360degree Image Editing

Let me know if you would like to see some of our past work or if you want
us to process some of your Images as a Test, will be glad

Awaiting your soon reply...
for further details contact us @ :


December 18th, 2013
Thankyou very much guys, great inspiration
December 20th, 2013
@eleanorpanda Nothing bad for me to say to you I only want to take my time to encourage you. I have only been doing my project for a few months now,but would be totally lost without it. I am oxygen dependent now and I whisked through my entire life without stopping and taking time to inhale. I was always in too big of a hurry. I wished I had taken the time to enjoy the more beautiful things that brought pleasure in my life. If only I had taken the time to capture the moment ,Something to look back upon...rather than just having the faded memory. Now that I started my project I have became really ill,to the point of being almost total home bound right now. So taking a photo outside is close to being over for me. I cannot breathe to make it to my front porch without dragging my oxygen tank behind me. But the first thing I do each day as soon as my breathing treatments and meds are taken ,I grab a cold drink and come straight to check my project page. Such a peaceful feeling to see others find joy in something I have shared,and I can do the same by visiting their pages. I guess I have the time now to do the things I only wish I had done so many years ago. I am just sad that I left so much life pass before I realized how much pleasure I have found by doing this. Maybe you need to just slow up for just a bit,take the time to reflect on what it is that makes you happy and brings joy to your heart..and thats the very thing you should focus on. Good Luck to youy....I sure wish I had the chance to do it all over just once more.
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