Lost some photos

September 7th, 2014
I took my camera to work expecting a slow day, and had a lot of time to take some photos (I need the practice). Some good, some bad. My coworker liked several of them, and copied them from my SD card to her computer. I made sure to tell her not to delete anything on the card, and I don't believe she would have... but when I got home and looked through my pictures, all I have are the blurry, not-so-great images (none of the ones that made anyone say "wow" - which I wanted to show to family at home). All of the best ones are gone. I can understand if everything got wiped, but it was only the images she copy/pasted. What happened, and how can I make that not happen again?
September 7th, 2014
Maybe she didn't copy and paste, maybe she moved them from the card to her computer? That's my only idea.
September 7th, 2014
Yes, she probably accidentally cut and pasted, rather than copied and pasted. (Ctrl or Command-X, rather than Ctrl or Command-C).

The easiest way would be simply to copy them back off her computer, if she still has them. Alternatively, if you haven't written any new files to the card since then, they would almost certainly be recoverable by undelete software -- Recuva is a simple and free option if you are on a PC:
September 7th, 2014
Darn. I did take more pictures after she copied them. I guess I'll see if she still has them, and hang onto that link for the future. Thanks.
September 7th, 2014
@kthomas You should be able to get them back from your SD card. Here's a free program, that is relatively intuitive to use: https://www.piriform.com/recuva/download

Select the free version. I always download it from the Piriform site. Just click on the link, it should start the download.
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