SLR ~ Nikon or Canon ~ please help!

August 6th, 2011
I currently own and use 3 point and shoot cameras and have decided it's time to graduate to a SLR. I am having a hard time deciding between a Canon EOS Rebel T3 12.2 MP or a Nikon D3100 14.2MP. They are both comparable in price and specs. See link below.

I would like any and all suggestions from the 365 family. Thank you in advance for the input.
August 6th, 2011
nikon, nikon, nikon.... you guessed...I'm a nikon user :-)

but also check out prices and spec of future accessories, nikon are dear, not sure if canon are cheaper or not...
August 6th, 2011
@michelletyre @andycoleborn
Canon, Canon, Canon.
August 6th, 2011
@cookie123 Hmmmmmmm..... must go and unfollow haha
August 6th, 2011
Try them both. One will feel better in your hand than the other...I promise.
August 6th, 2011
Don't listen to anybody who specifies one of these brands over another! They are both good, you just need to play with both.
August 6th, 2011
The D3100 does not have a built-in AF motor, so that limits the lenses you can buy. On the other hand, the 18-55 and 55-200 kit lenses are good and have the AF-S motors, so will work on that body. It appears the two camera bodies are very close in specs, so you might want to research what lenses you would think of buying in the future and see the price difference between Nikon and Canon. You should also try to hold each one and see how it feels.
August 6th, 2011
You need to hold them and handle them - one will just feel better - that's the one to buy.
August 6th, 2011
@vikdaddy I totally agree!
August 6th, 2011
August 6th, 2011
I have the Nikon D3100 and I love it, I had never had an SLR camera either. I chose it as a learning camera.
August 6th, 2011
Nikon, Nikon, Nikon!!! They are the best!!!
August 6th, 2011
i prefer nikon
August 6th, 2011
@mikew Michael was right, the Nikon will only accept some lenses while the canon can use any canon lens made since 1988. Nikon makes some absolutely great cameras, too bad they leave a ton of features out of their entry level dslr's. Also Canon's customer service is significantly better. So those are some things to think about.
August 6th, 2011
Cannnnnnnnnon!! Just my personal opinion. I'm sure both are great though :) Just like mac and pc's, nobody can agree haha!
August 6th, 2011
Play around with both. And if one doesn't start to feel better in your hands, flip a coin.
August 6th, 2011
neither. I'll wave the Olympus flag around again....
August 6th, 2011
You can't go wrong with either. Just remember that you are buying into a system - it will be expensive if you change your mind later. Megapixels is a non-issue - either one has far more than you actually need. Lens choice is not much of an issue - you don't have any old lenses to use, and though the Nikon doesn't have the AF motor in the body (limiting your lens choices), you'll likely only have the body for a few years before you want to upgrade (at which time you'll probably go for a better model anyway). And if you don't upgrade, you probably aren't searching for new lenses either.

I used to shoot Nikon (for years). Loved them. I now shoot Canon. Love them. When I switched to Canon I had good reasons for doing so, but those reasons no longer apply. Likewise, there are no reasons for me to switch back. Get the one that feels best in your hands, like Vikdaddy said.
August 6th, 2011
@refriedradio I use both Mac and PC. ;)
August 6th, 2011
@vikdaddy I agree, i cant believe this conversation has started again..
August 6th, 2011
I suggest finding an local online photoforum like

You can browse ads for merch for sale...possibly save some $ on good entry level DSLR and also guage resell market. Great deals on well cared for cameras and lenses here. I chose Canon t1i bought new at camera prev stated more lenses plus liked the feel & features.
August 30th, 2011
I like both but I decided to buy nikon d5000 as my very first DSLR because it fits my budget. It's not about what type of camera you'll get. Remember that your eyes is your very first lens :) and your idea is your camera And your camera is just a gear. Yes, I believe in better quality but what ever cam'ra that will make you happy, then go ahead splash out your money like a water! =D Enjoy!
August 30th, 2011
@michelletyre my semi-pro advise, skip the entry level cameras and go straight to either Nikon D90 or Canon 60D, they're still affordable and good quality cameras, plus you'll avoid the feeling that "ahh i need to upgrade my camera again.." have a good think about it olrayt =)
August 30th, 2011
I keep looking between nikon and canon also. It looks to me like their are more lenses for the canon. Am I right? Or not?. I am newer and not so good yet so I cannot make any suggestions.
August 30th, 2011
I also asked this question about a year ago when I decided to go DSLR. Most people that I asked had the same responses as the people on this thread. some one told me too look at the lenses and their prices which helped a lot since the camera is actually the cheap part. In the end I went with canon because of this. I haven't regretted it yet.
August 31st, 2011
I bought a Nikon D90 a few months ago and i'm ecstatic about it. I have a friend who just upgraded to Canon 60D and he's also excited about his new camera ever since. Note that D90 has auto focus motor too, so no probs with Nikkor lens without auto focus motors in them.

For lenses, both brands would have both the same various specs I'm sure. And there are Sigma, Tokina and Tamron brands to choose from too. I just bought a Tamron 28-75mm f2.8 and loving it!

I would suggest though to get the 50mm f1.8 as this is one of the best lens a photog should have. You'll never be sorry! hope this helps =)
September 3rd, 2011
I agree with all above & can't stress enough that you should handle & play with them. I was trying to make a decision between a couple of models recently & kept thinking I would get one over the other until I picked them up & played with them.
September 3rd, 2011
@miata2u There are more lenses for Canon - about 30% more. However, this is unlikely to matter to most people (not even most professionals). Canon do tend to be a bit less expensive, however, for the same specs (but not always).
September 4th, 2011
Personally, I tried out both in Jessops, and was in a similar position to you at the time. My previous camera was a point and shoot DMC-TZ3, which was fairly basic and shot in about 7mp. Though I love photography, I am still relatively clueless and learning when it comes to all the technical side of things...jargon is a massive headache for me.

Trying out the Canon, I found it wasn't quite as straight forward as the Nikon and something about how it was weighted just didn't feel right - but those are purely personal preferences, so you won't know till you've held both.

I eventually settled for the Nikon D3100, by first comparing them technically on a camera comparison website (just google; compare X and Y)

Since having the Nikon, I've found it to be a great camera, and ideal for a mid-level amateur photographer, settings are very easy to fiddle about with, and nothing is too complex - the inbuilt guide feature is also a lifesaver.

Everyone seems to take one side or the other in the Cannon/Nikon thing, but honestly just go with whichever feels best in your hands - or talk to the guys in shop about which to opt for. Great as internet guidance is, it'll never be quite the same as getting to grips with it yourself.

Furthermore, I'm not sure if it still applies, but when I bought my D3100 it came with both an 18-55 and a 50-200 lens, so it's got the basics covered even if they're only kit lenses.

Good luck, I would personally recommend the D3100! Everything in my 365 from about late June onwards is shot with one in case you'd like some indication of picture quality.
September 4th, 2011
@simonfern ~ Thanks. I also purchased the Nikon D3100 and am very happy with it. I agree in that the Cannon was very bulky and the Nikon is more user friendly.
September 5th, 2011
Congrats on the new camera Michelle. I had a hard time finding what i wanted too.. so many of my pro photographer friends use canon..was going to go that route but then went and tried them out.. I shoot with the d5000...thinking of moving towards d7000
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