Reflections in water droplets: How are they done?

August 19th, 2011
Greetings, all!
I'm wondering how to capture the reflection of things in a droplet of water. What does the overall setup look like? What kind of lighting is used? Can a point 'n shoot camera capture this or must it be a dSLR? I've seen some really awesome reflections-in-a-droplet and have been unsuccessful at it.
Thanks for any and all input!
August 19th, 2011
It depends what you are talking about I suppose. I had a reflection of my house in a shot, but it wasn't like you could use the drop as the "shot" if you know what I mean. It was clearly a shot of the fruit on the tree, but my house happened to be in the drop. This was outside, and natural light. I had to make sure I was focused on the actual drop more than the fruit.

I would assume I could have had the same idea if I had a marco lens (or used reverse marco) and had a closer shot so it was just more my home in the drop than just the fruit with a drop of my home ;)
August 19th, 2011
You mean abit like these?
August 19th, 2011
The only thing that has worked for me is to have a reasonably clear background, really good focus on the drop/bubble/whatever and good lighting. My bubble was taken inside, but you can see in the reflections, we have all glass on one side so heaps of natural light. Then crop, crop, crop!
August 19th, 2011

if you mean shot like above, my setting are:

- a background image (here was adidas shoe box)
- i used my 400D dslr mounted on tripod, 100mm macro lens and flash light (speedlite)
- some water drops
- and the hardest thing is focusing on the right spot (i was using manual focus)
- shot around ISO 100-200, 1/200sec, f/8-f/10 + speedlite (manual)... and take a lot shots, hehehe
August 20th, 2011
Great tips, all! Thanks; I'll start experimenting and see what works. The big question is, can I get this with a point 'n shoot? We'll see!
August 20th, 2011
Wow @2thgirl, with a point 'n shoot it'll be hard. You'll only get it out of luck (which I wish you).
August 20th, 2011

This was my first attempt at water droplets. There wasn't much to reflect because everything was so green. But I found that focusing on the pine needles automatically brought the water droplets into focus as well.
August 20th, 2011
I achieved this with lots of natural light, no flash and with water droplets on a mirror. I used the macro facility on my camera and focused on the droplets. I've never managed to get a water crown or anything like @wahyusp did but I'm quite pleased with this shot. My whole project is done with a P&S.

This one was done using the same set up but had the overhead kitchen spot lights on. Not such a good effect but I think the apples are just about reflected. It shows how natural light with a P&S is necessary for good clarity thoughx

August 20th, 2011

i love working with droplets... i always use a magnifying filter for this... ^___^
August 21st, 2011
@wahyusp great shot, I may try this some time. @psychographer wow great shots
August 25th, 2011
@cookie123 @maceugenio @psychographer @olivetreeann @wahyusp @threeplusone @nicolekos Thanks for all the tips! I will keep plugging away at it!
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