"Pubic Hair"... how to do this best?

September 6th, 2011
Well some of you might know of my idea of illustrating a poem by Robert Duncan called "The Torso". I basically try to make pictures that have to do with his torso-descriptions, so I started with
"the clavicle" http://365project.org/kaisisland/365/2011-08-22
followed by
"the nipples" http://365project.org/kaisisland/365/2011-08-23
and already took a break before now realizing
"the navel" http://365project.org/kaisisland/365/2011-09-05

next (and last) objekt to shoot is "the pubic hair", which Duncan describes as following:

"At the root of the groin

the pubic hair, for the torso is the stem in which the man
flowers forth and leads to the stamen of flesh in which
his seed rises"

now... this is some sort of a challange to me... besides the question of "how much may I show?" I even strugge on: how and what do I do about "the stem", "the stamen of flesh"... and so on...

any input would be interesting to me... so feel free to help me a little bit. Big Thank You!
September 6th, 2011
On this site, I would think showing only the top would be received well. I personally wouldn't mind it, as I shoot nudes, but the general vibe I get from here is that you will receive an uproar of sorts if it is shown. I recommend only 'implying' it. However, it seems that the uproar I speak of that I have seen happen before, really only happens when someone announces it like this beforehand. I really haven't noticed people commenting on something that wasn't brought to their attention beforehand in one of these threads. Also, there are moderators on here, so I guess you would run the risk of getting a photo deleted by them?
September 6th, 2011
I'd do something artistic - like not actual pubic hair.
This is a photo I came across when the artist challenge was Chema Madoz.

September 6th, 2011
I would think that the stem could actually be a stem of a lily so it gives the reference but not the actual item that could cause some alarm.
September 6th, 2011
very good idea... I'll consider something like that
the picture's great! very intelligent! Reminds me of Amanda Palma's video to "map of tasmania" (although - she showed so much more)
true... I know it's difficult and such a small line to walk on between too much and not enough... I would never go so far showing something too offensive/obvious

& thanks for your replies so far!
September 7th, 2011
The simplest method may be to just shoot low-key, and use shadow (or burn-in the shadow) to show, without showing.
September 7th, 2011
@sdpace loved your pic above!
September 7th, 2011
I think you go with what you're comfortable with, nudes dont have to be distasteful, and i think any such "uproar" should only occur on photos that are indecent or distasteful, I have shot a nude selfie and a fair bit is visible, although its not the main focal point, its still there.

Do what you're comfortable with and if someone thinks its indecent, you could always take it down, art should push boundaries. :) good luck.
September 7th, 2011
@interludephotos You find saying 'pubic hair' in public offensive?
September 7th, 2011
I'll keep it in mind, thanks!
right - I know this picture, it's one of my favs I believe, thanks for sharing and bringing it back to my mind again!

you might be right, I didn't think about the topic too much, although the idea crossed my mind someone might not like headline pointing out the topic like this. But also, I think this way, the reader knows best wether or not to read further about it. In any way, thanks for your reply, I'll give my future headlines a deeper thought.
September 12th, 2011
@sdpace interesting concept!
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