Click count

September 27th, 2011
Just a bit of fun really... if you've ever wondered how many pics your camera has taken..

I'm on 44639.

(only works if upload a photo that hasnt been resized or mucked about with too much)
September 27th, 2011
Cool mines 27835.
September 27th, 2011
Mine is at 14285 since I got my camera in March. Excessive? Maybe. I sure have had a lot of fun though!
September 27th, 2011
12628 - not bad for only having this camera for 8 months!
September 27th, 2011
Mine is 13483, I bought my camera second hand so not sure how many of those pics are mine lol
September 27th, 2011
Bah, it tells me my photos (even SOOC) are resized/editted and it can't give me the info. :( Neat site though!
September 27th, 2011
Does this work on Canon shots or just Nikon?
September 27th, 2011
didn't work on mine :(
September 27th, 2011
@jeancarl @jessicapena Sorry, I didnt realise that it only worked on some makes. Been looking online and it seems that canon doesnt store the shutter count in the EXIF data. There are ways of doing this tho I think, I had a quick a google. There's a little article here:
September 27th, 2011
Since May 2011 I have taken 8663

Not much compare to everyone else
September 28th, 2011
94767- but I have had this camera for about 5 years now.
September 28th, 2011
Frustrating! I can't seem to find a way to calculate the number easily! I've done an estimate based on the fact that Canon recycles numbers after 10,000 (IMG_9999 to IMG_0001). I have eight unique dates with a file in the IMG_999* or IMG_000* range, about one a month. That would be, what, over 80k?

But given that there were a few times I switched memory cards between two camera (which could skew the filename?), I'm guessing at least over 50k this year. Kinda glad I can't prove exactly how bad my addiction is as I know the number is not unrealistic. ;-)

And Canon support is unhelpful. No, I'm not sending my camera in for a tech to tell me! If that's even a real option.
September 28th, 2011
Ya doesn't seem to work for Canon. However, judging from the file name of the last photo I took, I'm on 25,302 - since January, 2010. xD Crazy!
September 28th, 2011
36,415 since I bought my camera after starting this project back in early 2010... (I didn't use it for the 2+ months we went on vacation last winter, chosing to carry a P&S instead) It pleases me to see I'm getting my money's worth out of it!
September 28th, 2011
@Weezilou Not bad, esp when thats over a thousand rolls of film!!
September 28th, 2011
@blightygal rolls of film? I would be so broke if I develop all the pictures I took! Not to mention the boxes of prints, err, where would I put them? But then again, digital has made it possible to take as many pictures as you want for practically nothing.
September 28th, 2011
@jeancarl Laughing, mad isnt it, how we did things before?
October 5th, 2011
If you were using roll of film, you'd probably be a bit more conscious about what you're photographing ;) Digital has made everyone lazy with the ability to take 200 of the same shot to get it perfect.

I currently have 7,606 on my D80, 34,812 on my D300, 30,012 on my D200
October 13th, 2011
or if you want a program that does it instead of having to upload a photo... its simple to use, start the program>select photo from your memory card> scroll down and it should say Total Number of Shutter Releases, i just got my D90 without knowing how many clicks i tried this out and found out it only had 1872, I WAS ECSTATIC!!!!!
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