Make green trees look like Autumn! (Lightroom)

October 22nd, 2011
I actually found this out by acident while playing around with one of my photos and I thought I would share it will my friends here on 365. Here is a before and after of my photo:

This was really easy to do in Lightroom. Select the "Develop" tab. When in Develop mode, go to the tools on the right hand side and scroll all the way down to the bottom. You should see a bar that says "Camera Calibration". Now see the sliders for Red Primary, Green Primary, and Blue Primary? Great. Just play a bit with those.

In this shot, I took my green down to about -50 with the saturation at -60. I took the blue down to -75 and the saturation down to -10. I left the red alone. That's it! pretty simple, huh?

If you do play with this feature, please share with us and post a copy of your edit. Thanks!
October 22nd, 2011
Wow, I love your second version! The autumn colours really match her sweater nicely. I've done something similar in Photoshop when I turned the originally green leaf in this picture red:
October 22nd, 2011
Surely you guys can wait for those 3 Autumnal months of the year?

The first shot is better Dale, it has a lovely light, and a glow to it! Leave shot 2 until the time in which nature does it best!
October 22nd, 2011
Do your leaves change in Alabama Dale? Seriously...sorry if I sound stupid, but I have no idea! My US mapping skills are shite, but I'm pretty sure you're as far down as Florida?
Anyway....pretty cool trick! I agree with you on the jeans though. I'll have to look through my edits and see what I've got!
October 22nd, 2011
I edit all of my photos in Lightroom. There are times when merely adjusting the blacks will make a photo incredibly better but then there are times when a photo needs a little more help brightening up the colors. Take this photo for example:

The falls colors weren't showing up like I wanted them to, so by adjusting the orange and yellow sliders, I could make the colors pop more. (now that I look back at it, I think I may have taken things a bit too far with this one though.)

At other times, I merely need to adjust the light "recovery" slider or the "fill light" slider to compensate for lighting errors. In the photo below, I was fighting too much light (as well as an uncooperative subject - my son). When processing this one, I wanted to increase the contrast and bring out the depth of the steps behind them, but when I adjusted those sliders, their faces were too dark. By upping the "fill light" just a little, I got a much better look.

I'm not a professional photographer by any stretch of the imagination though, so maybe I'm going about it the wrong way. I'm sure there are better ways to accomplish a given task, but these steps worked for me.
October 23rd, 2011
@bobfoto - I really appreciate that you speak your mind. A lot of people on here aren't willing to say anything negative. Thank you
October 23rd, 2011
@shutterbugger - Yes, the leaves change color here and we even get a little bit of snow from time-to-time. Not often though, and usually not for long. But I am in Central Alabama, so it might be a different story in the southern part of the state by the coast (a 4 hour drive). Florida starts there and keeps going south. And don't feel bad, I have no idea about the geography of Canada
October 23rd, 2011
@onarom - thanks Dale... I just figure that Mother Nature does such a cracker job of making this world a beautiful place, let us use that as a strength! Sometimes nature is far more bizarre and outrageous then our imaginations!
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