
October 30th, 2011
I was wondering how do you put copyright on your photos and what you have to do to have them. I just want to protect my photos from being taking and if someone dose that my name is on them. I had someone say they put one of my photo's in photoshop and I should try this and that. Which I appreciated the advice but I am not happy about the taking my photo part. So any advice on what I can do to protect myself and my photos would be greatly appreciated!!! Thanks guys!!
October 30th, 2011
Best advice Emily is to upload your images much smaller than out of the camera. Then the image will be too small to do anything worthwhile with :)
October 30th, 2011
@natdurell okay I will try that thanks for the advice :)
October 30th, 2011
Do you mean add a watermark?
October 30th, 2011
@vikdaddy No i have done that by putting my name on my photos (well some of them I just started doing that) but I see that some people have the copyright symbol and the year and what you had to do to do that?
October 30th, 2011
@mrstfeeley216 Depends on what photo editing software you're using. It's easy in Photoshop or Lightroom.
October 30th, 2011
@vikdaddy ok thanks
October 30th, 2011
Honestly, if I was that worried about my photos being copied, I wouldn't put them online at all. It's the nature of the beast, my dear.
October 30th, 2011
@5unflow3r I am just trying to look into :)
October 30th, 2011
As for copyrighting, you don't have to do a thing. In most countries around the world, copyright of a photo begins the moment you click the shutter button. This is recognized in the United States, Canada, UK, and Australia as far as I know. I am sure many more countries also recognize this.

The "suggested" format for copyright information with a photo, as per the United States Copyright Office, is to use the format "© 2011 Jason Barnette". Copyright symbol + year photo was taken + name.

However, this is only an addendum, something additional. It actually doesn't prevent people from taking anything. I've already had dozens of my photos stolen my online magazines, blogs, and even Southern Living used one of my photos apparently "without knowing the photo belonged" to me. They at least paid me for it afterwards. Handsomely :D

So, you don't have to do anything. You can register your photos with the US Copyright Office if you really want, but you don't need to.
October 30th, 2011
@5unflow3r This. Not to mention the reality that if someone wants to take a photo, having it copyrighted isn't going to block them from doing it. I'm sure everything you'd find for download on BitTorrent is copyrighted, too.
October 30th, 2011
@beautifulthing Right. Once it's out there, it's out there. Not that I think it's OK, it's just how it is.
October 30th, 2011
@jasonbarnette thanks for the information it's really helpful :)
October 30th, 2011
@5unflow3r I agree with you
October 30th, 2011
@beautifulthing a very good point. I think all my downloads from, er, Limewire might have possibly been copyrighted. Not that I'm admittin' to anything!

There was a copyright infringement court case four years in New York. The judge ruled instantly in favor of the photographer, without need for a lengthy and expensive trial, because the photographer had done one very simple thing: he'd included the copyright symbol, year, and his name on his website where he posted the photo. Of course, photographers almost always win cases like this anyways, but the Copyright Office has said it is much easier, quicker, and cheaper if you include that little line.

That's about the only difference it makes really.
October 30th, 2011
@jasonbarnette that is a good point that is why I started watermarking my photos that way at the very least my name ison there and if they remove it or hide it I have the original to proof it was there!
October 31st, 2011
Also Ross has made it so that photos on this website are a much lower resolution than what would be ideal for use. If you don't believe me, copy and paste one of your photos back onto your computer and zoom in on it, in your editing program of choice, then compare it to the original. IF someone were to try and steal your photo off of here, they wouldn't be getting anything of any quality to use for anything much bigger than a thumbnail. I offered to create a watermark for someone on here who was having trouble getting it right. I copied some of her photos that were along the lines of what she wanted. When I got them into PS I had a heck of a time getting them to work. I eventually made it work and she was happy with the end result. That was for a small image, not anything for display or use in a larger format.

I am by no means saying not to copyright or watermark, just that you can breathe a little easier about your photos on here.

There are also programs to edit your EXIF info so that even if someone snagged it, that would be in the file.
October 31st, 2011
Paint Shop Pro lets you add your name and a description to the EXIF. The lawyer we consulted after Dad died and we were trying to make sure we did the right thing to protect his copyrights said the same thing Jason says above. It is copyrighted by virtue of creation. Putting the copyright symbol, your name, and the year makes it easier to prove that there was knowing and malicious use.
October 31st, 2011
@dmariewms Okay that is good to know!!! Thank you!!!
October 31st, 2011
@shadesofgrey That is good to know thank you!!
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