Why does my camera do this?

November 17th, 2011
I have noticed on occasions that my photos appear with a line across the photo somewhere, like in this one

Does anyone know why this might be happening? Is it the camera, or the download process?
I have no idea and would appreciate any suggestions or thoughts. Thanks
November 17th, 2011
This is weird. You said not all of your photos have this? So it might be the SD card. I'd recommend changing it and trying to eliminate that possibility. I for example have sometimes seen pictures that are covered with a grey line, when my SD card was acting up. If that doesn't help maybe your lens needs cleaning. I have a spot on my lens that only shows when I'm taking pictures against the light but I'm not sure if dirt on the lens would cause a straight line. Sorry, if I can't be of more help.
November 17th, 2011
You need to isolate the issue, and figure out exactly when and where it's happening. (Oh man, I love this kinda stuff, because it's partially my job. Can I make you a flow chart or something?)

Your main suspects:

the camera
the SD card
the SD card reader/transfer method
your computer

Hopefully you still have this image on your SD card. If so, follow the below steps...

If you look at the picture on your camera's LCD, can you see the line?

If yes, it could be a problem with your camera or your SD card. Try getting a new SD card. If the problem persists even with a new SD card, it's probably your camera, and it will need to be repaired.

If no, and you can't see the issue on the camera's LCD, then it might be a transfer issue between your SD card and your computer.

How do you transfer the files? Does your computer have a built in SD card reader? Do you use an external USB SD card reader? Do you use the USB cable and transfer directly from camera to computer? Whatever the transfer method, you now need to isolate that, too.

Insert your SD card however you typically do when transferring, and access the image directly from the SD card, before it is transferred to the computer.

Does it look okay?

If no, and the image has the line when viewed on your computer directly from the SD card (but looks fine when viewed on the cam's LCD), then the culprit is most likely a malfunctioning SD card reader.

If yes, the image looks fine when viewed on the computer directly from the SD card, then the problem is occurring during or after you transfer the image to the computer. From here, you should transfer the picture to your desktop and see if it becomes corrupt.

If it does become corrupt, and the pesky line appears, then in all likeliness it's the SD card reader malfunctioning, and you should investigate a new way of transferring from SD card to computer. (At this point, you should also simply try transferring the image again. It could be a random transfer corruption, and another transfer might sort it out successfully.)

However, if the issue is occurring during/after transfer (as in: if the picture was fine on the LCD, and fine when directly viewed from SD card) then it might be an issue with your computer. This significantly increases the possible causes, and is more difficult to troubleshoot. Could be anything at that point.

tl;dr: do what @jannaellen said and get a new SD card, or try transferring them in a different way :D

Hope that helped!
November 17th, 2011
It's all been said! Thanks Gary.
November 17th, 2011
@gurry What a boss!
November 17th, 2011
@gurry : Wow, that's way more thorough than my slightly fuzzy approach. I can see there's a pro at work here! I'd love to see that flow chart now ;)!
November 17th, 2011
@gurry awesome flow chart
November 17th, 2011
Mine does that sometimes when it in the sports mode. I mostly notice it when taking indoor pictures. I can see it on the camera screen with lines goiing vertical throughout the picture.
November 17th, 2011
my first thought is shutter is out of sync- if it is a verticle shutter, one of the blades might be a bit slow, and that is why you are seeing it on sports mode where it is a higher shutter speed, one of the blades is out causing a bit more exposure in part and less in others. http://peterphun.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2009/10/sync_speed2.jpg is a photo of a camera shutter out of sync with shutter and flash (image from peter hun's blog) this is just my thought *shrug*
November 17th, 2011
@gurry did you breath at all when writing that??? lol
November 17th, 2011
@nikkers I hope he didn't.

@gurry Are you a member of the Geek Squad?
November 17th, 2011
It can be software or hardware. Nobody mentioned "sensor" problem yet? It can be that too. One of my camera sensor got killed by "laser beam" like the ones in concerts or clubs. Those green laser beams are very dangerous to the senders if they are hit directly.
November 17th, 2011
@nikkers Just tryin' to help! :)

@jasonbarnette No need to hate, duder.
November 17th, 2011
@jannaellen @gurry @viranod Thanks everyone for your comments, especially Gary, with your long detailed reply. Of course, I no longer have this image on my SD card, having long ago formatted it to fit more 365 photos on there! But it does happen every now and again, so I will pay more attention and see if I can isolate the problem as described. I will let you know what happens if it appears again. Cheers!
November 17th, 2011
This was discussed yesterday on a photo by @lauren211. Her result was more obvious, but someone who had a similar thing replied then with their answer.
November 17th, 2011
@gurry . it was great help. :)
November 21st, 2011
@gurry Hi Gary, I just wanted to give you some more feedback regarding the funny line across my photo. I downloaded a whole lot of new photos tonight, and it was there in one of them. I checked on my LCD on the camera, and the line was not there. I accessed the photo directly from the card and viewed it on the computer and the line was not there. I re-downloaded that particular photo again from camera to computer using my normal method (USB cable) and this time the photo was fine. So it must be in the download process.
A bit confused as to whether I should get a new SD card or not. Maybe I just keep an eye on it, and check my photos on the computer before I format the SD card, so that if the line appears, I can just transfer that file again.
Thanks for your help.
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