Headshot Editing

December 2nd, 2011
I'm still quite a newbie when it comes to editing. This is a headshot I have done almost no manipulating to, but would like to know what editing manipulation I *should* be doing to it--photoshop and/or lightroom. When I do the teeth whiting in Lightroom it looks great, until I blow it way up and you can really tell it's been done--is that normal? How about the skin smoothing? Thanks for any advice!!!

December 2nd, 2011
what I would do is slightly increase contrast play around with colour balance to bring out more tone to the skin clone out blemishes and spots dodge in the highlights in her hair at about 60% opacity and the facial area at about 30% and burn the shadows of her hair and face at about the same opacity whiten teeth and use a soften brush over the whole facial area to smooth out skin texture and blend tooth whitening and give the whole photo a slightly closer crop
it turns out like this
December 2nd, 2011
Terry check out Portrait Professional I have this software and really like it. It's pretty easy to use and gives some great results. Here is the link you can download a free trial.
December 2nd, 2011
this is what I would do.

December 2nd, 2011
@relicsong That's awesome! How did you do that? Layers??
December 2nd, 2011
@relicsong , wow......you did a great job!! i want you to do my portrait.....hehe
December 2nd, 2011
@terek55 its listed under the info on the photo if you want to lean how to do layer masking I can find you the link on how to do it

@paulaag :) I would be happy to do your portrait
December 2nd, 2011
@relicsong So beautiful and natural looking!
December 8th, 2011
yep pic 3 got my vote!
December 8th, 2011
i'm going to give this a go, and if it turns out well i will post how i did it
December 8th, 2011

ok, so without cropping or anything like that. in photoshop CS5 i duplicated the layer, added a Gaussian blur filter on the 2nd layer, and set the mode to multiply, then i played with the curves to bring the light back up, and then used layer masks on the curves and duplicated layer to bring the light back i nthe dark spots and make the to bright spots back a bit darker.
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