How to show most recent photo on blog?

December 23rd, 2011
I want to show my most recent photo in this project on my website without replacing the code daily. Is there some html code available for automatically showing my latest photo?
December 23rd, 2011
I think you need to use this link:
Then you always go to the last picture in your project.
December 23rd, 2011
I've got a blog on blogger, and I've got a widget that links to my flickr account which displays my latest photos.
It does mean uploading to flickr as well every day though...
December 23rd, 2011
@geertje: that is a URL, via which someone can go to today's photo, but I want to shów that photo on my site. At this moment I used the embed code that is provided at the right side of a photo (details > view more sizes) and now you indeed can see the selected photo on in the right frame, like below where I also use this embed code:

@karen: your comment is not quite clear to me. You have a widget to post to flickr. And do you mean that on blogger you use a Flickr solution to show your last photo?
December 23rd, 2011
@djepie Sorry for not being clear :) I upload to flickr as well as here, then I have a widget on blogger which displays the photo (well I display 7 but you can display as many or as few as you like) this is the blog, the widget is on the top left hand side.
December 23rd, 2011
@karen Okay, thanks, that's clear. But then you use a Flickr widget where I would prefer a 365project one. Shouldn't be too difficult, because they already have one for a specific photo.
December 23rd, 2011
@djepie 365 widget would mean I didn't have to upload to flickr, so much more helpful :)
December 24th, 2011
I'm interested in this too. It seems like it wouldn't be too hard for someone to write a little piece of code to do this, but it is beyond my capabilities! I would love to hear if someone has done this and is willing to share :)
December 30th, 2011
I have mailed Scott and he replies:" I've been thinking about such a widget for a while now, i think it would be a good idea, I'll try and get around to it in the new year." So hopefully a 2012 solution.
January 3rd, 2012
I have just started with my project - again this year - and I would highly appreciate such a widget!
Even though my pics are far from good or inspirational, a widget I see every day would keep me reminded. Been looking into solutions and the only way up to now is to upload to a different sharing - well I could do without this one then... tssrr...hoping for a code soon now!
January 4th, 2012
Would LOVE this too! How's it going, Scott ;-) ?
February 10th, 2012
Widget would be great. If folks saw it on my blog they might want to sign up with the 365 project too!
February 23rd, 2012
So nothing happening on this front...? Shame :(
April 25th, 2012
Mh, feel like stopping uploading on this site - as instagram and others have widgets and I don't need to go about it twice then.
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