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Update 2: Jan 2018: Year 3! There was some definite puttering out the last half of last year. This year I'm giving myself some leeway. I will strive to take pictures MOST days. Days I don't will get shots that I liked from other days. As Bob from Stranger Things says, "Easy Peasy."

Update, Jan 2017: Year 2 begins. Not yet sure what it will look like this year, but I am going to continue... Onward! :) I try to follow as many people as I can sanely keep up with. That being said, if I see your name popping up in the comments on my photos, I'll be sure to add you back.

Year one of the 365 project. I live in Lafayette, CO which is just east of Boulder (and northwest of Denver). My daughter tells me all the time that I take too many pictures. Might as well have a project to go with that reputation.