Metropolitan Cathedral of Christ the King, Liverpool.  by happypat

Metropolitan Cathedral of Christ the King, Liverpool.

After breakfast we walked along the street & visited the Catholic Cathedral or Paddys Wigwam as it's known locally.
A very distinctive building visible for miles.
It's massive, the largest Cathedral in England & fifth in the world.
Very beautiful quite recently built & I loved the words telling everyone how the money was raised.
Liverpool is a very Catholic city as over 90,000 Irish people fled into the city during the potato famine.

A lovely relationship was formed by Bishop Derek Warlock & Rev David Shepherd who was vicar of the Anglican Cathedral which is at the opposite end of the same street. They were great friends which is how it should be.
There is a nice piece of artwork celebrating this friendship & the good work these two men did for their city half way along the street between the two churches.
Both now deceased.

Three good things:
1. Integration between churches of different denomination.
2. A lovely Georgian part of Liverpool.
3. Hot cooked breakfast to give us a good start.
Beautiful images. I love the local name of this gorgeous cathedral; great to read how the money was raised!
Btw I love your nr. 1.
October 2nd, 2018  
@gijsje So do I Bep...we all travel the same road whatever religion & indeed any belief!
October 2nd, 2018  
It looks a very unusual building.. pleased to here of the different denominations working together..
October 2nd, 2018  
Beautiful images of this wonderful church and I love the info how they raised the money and good thing no one is a blessing !
October 2nd, 2018  
A lovely collage of this well known cathedral
October 2nd, 2018  
Oh memories! I have spent many happy hours as a student in both the cathedrals. Used to call this one The Mersey Funnel - don't know if people still do! But I loved the shapes, the blue of the stained glass windows and the lovely warm atmosphere in there. I used to go to Evensong at the Anglican cathedral sometimes too. I loved the relationship between the two too.
October 2nd, 2018  
Great collage. Such an interesting looking church.
October 2nd, 2018  
@casablanca Good to hear that, we didn't have time to go into the Anglican one this time but will definitely go back next time. I hadn't hear it called that but I have heard it called The Popes launch pad! 😁 The blue stained glass looked gorgeous today! I did They a panorama but it doesn't seem to have worked!
October 2nd, 2018  
A modern style but just as beautiful as a church should be! Nice to hear the story about its history and the people!
October 2nd, 2018  
Lovely collage
October 2nd, 2018  
Great views... I've never even seen a pic of this before - it looks very imposing.
October 2nd, 2018  
Beautiful collage and rather spectacular building. I remember the friendship of the two reverend gentlemen. ....they made such a positive contribution to bonding between different perspectives....peacemakers for their own time and ours.
October 2nd, 2018  
Oh this is a lovely collage Pat. Loved your information too! How fun that we both posted Cathedrals today! 😊
October 2nd, 2018  
Lovely collage, looks like a great place for photo opportunities, maybe next time you will have more time to look around.

Had to smile at the name of the clergy, Bishop called Warlock and Rev called Shepherd.
October 3rd, 2018  
@onewing Ha ha yes Babs I hadn't connected the two like that! David Shepherd was a great cricketer in his day too.
October 3rd, 2018  
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