Worship by janetb


Years ago In the Everyday Matters Bible for Women, I found the following reflection by author Kelli B. Trujillo; and wow, how it stuck with me and encouraged me to continue clicking the shutter for our good God.

...the Bible is peopled with a variety of
types of worshipers: some used art, others
ritual, still others offerings or acts of service
or bold proclamation. As Gary Thomas
points out in Sacred Pathways, "Our
temperaments will cause us to be more
comfortable in some of these expressions
than others—and that's perfectly
acceptable to God. By worshiping God
according to the way he made us, we are
affirming his work as Creator."

Thomas identifies several biblical avenues
of expressing worship, including interacting
with nature, using your five senses,
employing ritual and symbol, spending time
in solitude and simplicity, activism and
service, celebration, and employing one's

So if music isn't your native worship-
language, how about a walk outside? Or
what about wresting with a calculus
equation and marveling over it with God?
Or how about worshiping God by fighting
injustice or volunteering?

God made you — and that includes forming
your unique temperament and personality.
He knows that some things just "fit" you
better than others. God's desire is that you
respond to him in worship that's natural,
instinctive, and authentically who you are.

I love this! And Him!

I praise you, Lord, for loving all of our unique ways of worshiping — photography included!

It works for me too. Photography draws me in to appreciate the detail of creation, to focus on that which is loveable, quirky, beautiful, elegant, marvellous etc and to dwell on that rather than that which is spoilt. It doesn't matter that I am not expert at it - it is the process that brings out the praise in me. Thank you for sharing these words, and of course your sunlit garden pretty image.
July 1st, 2019  
I so agree! I attended a study about five years ago on creativity, and it was amazing the various avenues the different women there had for their creative outlets: cooking, quilting, writing, fiber arts, music of all sorts, and of course, there was I with photography.
July 2nd, 2019  
Praise God for His love of diversity in His creation and creatures! I too thoroughly enjoyed reading what you've shared here as well as studying the beauty of your picture. Your hydrangeas are gorgeous. Wonderful composition and lighting. And you know what? I praise God for you too; for your willingness to give Him honor and glory through your 365 account.
July 2nd, 2019  
@helenhall @janeandcharlie @lyndemc Thank you all so much for commenting on my sunlit hydrangeas and on Kelli's wonderful words. I'm happy that you, like me, were touched by considering how God loves all of our unique ways of worshipping. ♥

@lyndemc How sweet of you! ♥ I love to think of the photos in my 365 account as daily prayers. He is so worthy of our praise! Thank you for your kindness, Denise.
July 2nd, 2019  
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