My husband, Dave, broke his hip and had surgery for repair yesterday. I'm going to take a break from 365 so I can focus on taking care of him. Our lives are changing quickly and drastically, so I need to set aside my diversions for a time. I will still check in, comment, and post as I'm able. I just don't know what is going to happen. If I should come to mind, prayers are always appreciated. Thank you! "I have set the LORD always before me. Because He is at my right hand, I shall not be moved." Psalm 16:8
2025: Year 13 begins. I'm looking forward to learning more about photography and travelling all around the world again via everyone's gorgeous photos!
2024: 365...
Praying for him and you as caregiver. I think it is good that you are always walking as that should help in his recovery. I have heard a lot of stories of tremendous challenges this past week for some odd reason (unbeknownst to me). Take care❤️