slam dunk by kali66

slam dunk

Get-pushed this week from @skygirl is 'take a street scene SOOC depicting how you see yourself '.

fits in well with both the 5+2 In the street theme and the artist theme!

I have been homeschooling my kids by correspondence forever, only one left on the roll now, but every couple of weeks we pack up completed work into green plastic envelopes and I trot up to the mail box. It feels good to send it off and this slam dunk kind of sums up how I feel.

I woke my son this morning and asked him to come help me take this before it rained , he said 'You have got to be f#@!*ing kidding me!' and went back to sleep, so I had to use the tripod and walk back and forth. Only two shots of 70 had both feet in the air, and they both had this gentleman putting out his rubbish bag on rubbish day obviously wondering wtf?!
I only saw him later when I reviewed the shots, I am glad because if I had known he was there I would have felt like someone foolish

Hope you have as big a laugh about this as I did .
@skygirl enjoy :)
November 5th, 2013  
LOL!!!!! And a big fav, this is too funny!
November 5th, 2013  
I love it! It is exactly what I wanted. I see a fun loving, open person, an adventurer In her own back yard. I love the story and laughed at your sons response as I get that often from my teenager when I ask her to pose for photos. Wonderfully done. It tells me a story and I see a dedicated mom and a creative photographer.
November 5th, 2013  
@kali66 Had the same trouble with my capture for today as well: tripod (OK) but a remote control that did not work and only 10 sec for self-timer (right word??) as a maximum time ... very sportive shot and I am not shure about the result yet. But your shot will be one of my favourite favs!!! :O)
November 5th, 2013  
Cool shot and like the look of the guy in the background. Love it!
November 5th, 2013  
A clever idea and what fun to look back and realize you were watched from afar during the whole thing!
November 5th, 2013  
November 5th, 2013  
Really interesting that you have homeschooled your children. This has to be a FAV for the huge amount of effort that went in to the photo.
November 5th, 2013  
I had to laugh at his presence, and the expression on his face. Great shot.
November 5th, 2013  
He might wonder what this new sports was about and went home Goggling it. Fun Fun Fun!
November 5th, 2013  
Love this. Laughing a lot at the guy in the background watching you.
November 5th, 2013  
Oh to feel this way..♥
November 5th, 2013  
Fun shot, well done!
November 5th, 2013  
Great shot, love the man in the background looking on.
November 6th, 2013  
That looks like so much fun and so depicts your dedication - to your children and to 365 I bet the background guy is still pondering?? Lol
November 7th, 2013  
Love it!
November 7th, 2013  
Lol! I thought the man in the background was planned! Oh that is funny, I'm surprised he didn't come and ask what you were up to
November 11th, 2013  
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