All Bottled Up by myautofocuslife

All Bottled Up

Mr Bottle has a question: Are you the type to keep things bottled up or do you wear your heart on your sleeve?

I'm the bottling type. Friends used to liken me to a deep sea clam. Add that to the fact that I'm not a touchy-feely person and need a lot of physical space to feel comfortable in public places, you can imagine what an unfriendly, cold and aloof impression I tend to make on strangers. I've mellowed over the years, but I still tend to keep my deepest feelings to myself, especially if they are painful or conflicting emotions. There are secrets I will be taking to my grave. 8D

FYI: This is Day 4 of the Same Subject Challenge: Mr Bottle is only 3.5cm (1.3in) tall. I put his face on the glass by using lettering transfer. His wide-open eyes are O's and his mouth is a hyphen.
Very creative and artistic, Livia! Excellent comp as per your usual work! Strange how you have likened your title and description to your personality. I've been reflecting on some recent shots almost the same way.
January 18th, 2012  
The saga of the bottle continues! These are great! Looking forward to the rest of the story!
January 18th, 2012  
Can certainly relate to Mr Bottle and yourself right now; I've changed a lot over the past couple years though, and there're just some things I don't think I'd reveal - my secrets safe with me :).

Great words and representation with this shot!
January 18th, 2012  
Oh Mr Bottle! Please let me help you out of there, you really don't look very comfortable!
(Me: Heart on my sleeve is an understatement, ocean of emotion would be closer to the mark!)
Loving this series. Each shot is deceptively simple. Add the words and you really get me thinking.....) :-)
January 18th, 2012  
Wonderful photo Livia. My daughter is so much like you...I am a bit more outgoing, although I can be reserved with strangers and don't need people around me to be happy. I often say to my daughter...loosen that hair, put on some bright lipstick and get out there...!
January 18th, 2012  
@sebella Oooh. It's my son who sometimes tells me, why don't you wear something brighter? Because I'm almost always in black shirts and blue jeans. 8D
January 18th, 2012  
Excellent self-expression through art!! This is terrific Livia! Hope you and Mr. Bottle are ok!! I tend to do it suits me :) It's both selfish and handy....hmmmm- what does that say about me? LOL
January 18th, 2012  
Oh he does get himself into all kinds of trouble, doesn't he? :)
Nice shot. Am enjoying this series.
January 18th, 2012  
you sure open up through your amazing photography and captures, gives us a deep insight too :) Another great shot in the Mr. Bottle series!!
January 18th, 2012  
I like this. so clean, creative. interesting.
January 18th, 2012  
Love how expressive you're makiing these shots!
January 18th, 2012  
Oh, poor Mr. Bottle. Doesn't look like he's having a good day.
January 18th, 2012  
lol im probably the bottling type but great photo!
January 18th, 2012  
Excellent representation of your feelings.
January 18th, 2012  
very cool focus, so "clear"!
January 18th, 2012  
love the bottles...very creative.
January 18th, 2012  
The story is unfolding very nicely, look forward to the next chapter!
January 18th, 2012  
Beautifully done .. and so creative. Which is what you are, Livia! I can relate. I'm a "bottled up" kind of person and maybe more so as I grow old. Maybe we're all revealing our lives in our photos without even thinking about it.
January 18th, 2012  
imaginative series
January 18th, 2012  
I let it blurt out!!
January 18th, 2012  
Love your use of bottles for your message and your photos are tremendous.
January 18th, 2012  
You are so innovative & creative; I am loving this little series you are doing for SSC, I think you have captured the essence brilliantly. I am a heart on sleeve girl and that can come across as needy (which I am not) so I guess either way we're screwed;0)
January 18th, 2012  
This is a very creative project you have going on here. Love your title. No one ever wonders how I feel. I even cry at work, sad to say. Sometimes I wish I could just keep it bottled up!!
January 18th, 2012  
Inspiring and creative! I think that you made it interactive! I have very strong emotions...I love/like deeply and I can also dislike quite strongly! There is not a lot of gray area for me. I love your bottle series!
January 18th, 2012  
Great shot Livia. Love the creativity behind SSC, although I think it's out of my depth I might have to try it. Perhaps on one of the dogs.
January 18th, 2012  
Smart idea!
January 18th, 2012  
Livia you are so clever and creative in your photos.This is a great series. So unbottled in telling us that you are bottled!!! I have always been let it all out, but have got better as older. There is always hope!!!!!
January 18th, 2012  
Poor Mr Bottle is really bottled up, i think we need to see a selfie of you Livia, and yes i'm a bottler still, hehe.
January 18th, 2012  
Well photographed Livia, I did like your short writings. might say, well spoken.
January 18th, 2012  
Great shot, very imaginative.
Heart on my sleeve and it's been ripped off many times
January 18th, 2012  
I'm the bottling type as well. This shot is so simple yet it has more meaning. I like it very much!
January 18th, 2012  
Love your bottle work....:)
January 18th, 2012  
We're all bottled up at times. I'm a person keeping to myself most of the time. sometimes I wish I could change and be more outgoing. love the artissry in your picture.
January 18th, 2012  
FAVE - so creative, and honest.
January 18th, 2012  
no...poor little guy. Let those feelings out!
January 18th, 2012  
Description + Composition. That's what I love about your pics :) Kudos to You.
January 19th, 2012  
I'm with Mr. the bottle (:
January 19th, 2012  
Such a cute shot! Poor little guy. I hope he gets out. I will have to check back tomorrow.
January 19th, 2012  
This is so creative!!
January 19th, 2012  
January 19th, 2012  
Again I will say it, I love this! A book, a book!
January 19th, 2012  
Great way to pose a question!
January 19th, 2012  
Great "capture" not you Mister Bottle. Love it and I think I tell way too much. I need to bottle it up a bit more.
January 19th, 2012  
I can definitely relate to this. Very creative way of betraying this personal trait.
January 19th, 2012  
I love it! I'm the bottled up sort too! ;)
January 19th, 2012  
@elisasbits @karenann @rach_who @jennywren Jen said: "So unbottled in telling us that you are bottled!!! " What a contradiction, isn't it? 8D My being online is like giving people a direct line to my head. You get access to my thoughts. I write what I feel and what I think. But, if you were looking at me, you'd have no clue what I was feeling or thinking and I wouldn't say it. I know it sounds weird but that's pretty much me. Sadly, I'm way more interesting as an online persona just because there's a direct connection between my thoughts and the words I am pounding out on my keyboard. In real life, I'm boring as heck because I'm all clammed up. I usually don't speak unless I'm spoken to. I also smile a lot more online. Like so: 8D But in real life, I wear a dour expression. I can't help it because it's my default face. 8P

@http365proj Shirley, I'm sorry, there will never be a selfie on this project. I have a massive hang-up about being in front of the camera. I've not had a photograph of me taken in many years. (The exception being the photograph I need to take for my passport to be renewed. Eep.)
January 19th, 2012  
mr bottle looks uncomfortable with all the other bottles! great shot Livia
January 19th, 2012  
Very creative
January 19th, 2012  
Wear my heart on my sleeve ,great series
January 19th, 2012  
Very clever Livia. You have great imagination.
January 19th, 2012  
Another dramatic use of simple objects, your subjects are as great as your ability to capture a quirky feeling.
January 19th, 2012  
I bottle. Love the depiction
January 19th, 2012  
Cute shot - lovely series. I love the quote 'wear your heart on your sleeve' - never heard before. I guess I'm of this type.
January 19th, 2012  
This is a cute series. Very thought provoking. I bottle things up till near explosion. ~:)
January 19th, 2012  
Excellent concept, another great one in the series
January 19th, 2012  
Fabulous expression Livia. I like that you've opened up on here. Your extremely succinct with your thoughts and words, it's enlightening, so take some credit for that. Such a strength.
I do wear my heart on my sleeve, am quite forthright but also very sensitive and bottle the deep things up so much that I can make myself ill. Message in a bottle. Thanks so much for your words and wonderful pics. ;)
January 19th, 2012  
Great pic of Mr Bottle - I hope he's not claustrophobic! I'm like you in the bottling things up stakes.
January 19th, 2012  
I love your bottle series! You are so creative:)
January 19th, 2012  
beautiful photo you are very creative
January 19th, 2012  
very creative. if there's a voting for this same subject challenge, you'd win, hands down!

what a way to show your emotions :-P i'm the bottled up type, too. it's not a good thing though when the cap blows over 8D
January 19th, 2012  
I am wearing my heart on my face.. open book.. =)..
great photo and I love the adventures of mr bottle..
January 19th, 2012  
I'm a bit of both. I can't really hold back my feelings, but some of them never come out. Love this series!
January 19th, 2012  
Love it - fab shot
January 19th, 2012  
Like you, I like to bottle! And I like your bottling skills, very bottleiscious!
January 20th, 2012  
Very cool!
January 20th, 2012  
A big "THANK YOU!" to everyone for taking the time to stop by! It was so interesting reading all of your responses. Thank you for being kind to Mr Bottle and we hope to see you again! Thank you!
January 20th, 2012  
I think we all bottle up to some extent and uncork only when we feel comfortable knowing that our contents won't be wasted. There, tried to keep the bottle theme going in my reply!
January 22nd, 2012  
Love your series! And love the words that go along with each photo! Simply great!
January 23rd, 2012  
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