Today, some of us Pirates of St. Piran, were out and about, presenting some big cheques to local Charities. £1,000 to the Little Harbour Children's Hospice in St. Austell........ and another £1,000 to The Cornwall Air Ambulance Trust. This brings our charity donations total up to £98,942 so far.
We intend to donate £1.060 to the RNLI when we visit The Falmouth International Shanty Festival in June next year, which will bring our fundraising total up to more than £100,000. So this coming year's visit to Falmouth will be a bit of a major achievement and a big celebration for us.
This money is all raised from our performance fees, rattling our charity buckets and the profits from our CD sales and music streaming and downloads.
So we would like to take this opportunity to say a huge thank you to all of our fans and supporters, who have come to our gigs, put money in our buckets and bought our music over the years. We couldn't have achieved this huge total without your help. And we hope you will continue to help and support us as we start to work towards our next major target of £200,000....... but that may take us a while so don't hold your breath. 😁
Fabulous. The choir I sing in fundraises for charity too. London Air Ambulance is our Christmas season push. Well done on all the fan contributions and the difference it makes.