• February 2022

1st Feb 2022 - The Distinguished (Belted) Kingfisher
2nd Feb 2022 - Rocket Garden
3rd Feb 2022 - Lines, Lines, and More Lines
4th Feb 2022 - Egret's Bad Hair Day (or, Blowin' in the Wind)
5th Feb 2022 - Osprey and Fish
6th Feb 2022 - A Milk Can Canon
7th Feb 2022 - Birds on a Wire
8th Feb 2022 - Not a Close Encounter (Thank Goodness!)
9th Feb 2022 - Birds on a Wire, Re-Do
10th Feb 2022 - An Egret Reflects
11th Feb 2022 - Great Egret Shows Off
12th Feb 2022 - Bird's Eye View
13th Feb 2022 - Shoes Vacationing at the Beach
14th Feb 2022 - Cardinal Gives Us Flash of Red
15th Feb 2022 - Skimmer Skimming for Fish
16th Feb 2022 - Osprey Spotting at Sunrise
17th Feb 2022 - Lines to Infinity
18th Feb 2022 - Hooded Merganser Catches Breakfast
19th Feb 2022 - A Georgia Bridge Encounter
20th Feb 2022 - Little -- Big