I had another one called Fork'Andles but it only had three in the image.
This is for the ICM in the kitchen challenge, the 52 week theme this week and my get pushed to do in-camera multiple exposure with icm.
Challenges include getting the blooming fork to balance, lighting, selecting the style of in-camera double exposure ( still don't understand the differences) and then the type of ICM to do. A quick session ended up about an hour!!! 😕
@mcsiegle thanks for looking
@shutterbug49 thanks, which it had been minimal to do
@randystreat it shows up better?
@grammyn thanks for looking
@tiaj1402 many thanks
@kork nice to read, thanks
@beverley365 not really! Lazy but then it gets complicated and ends up looking like no effort!!
@will_wooderson I'm armed and dangerous on a Sunday!!
@johnfalconer thank you
@wakelys think that's the zoom effect reflection?
@photohoot ok