That comment makes me think of some of the photos Koala Gardens has posted of koalas getting as flats as they can against cooler trees, in very hot weather. It was like a sauna outside here, today.
@bjywamer Hi, Barb. Yes, it's a squirrel (I should have mentioned this because I know that many places don't have black squirrels). And yes, it's smart too! :-)
@gardencat Hi Joanne. Interesting about the koala bears doing the same thing (or vice versa). Another sauna day today (Thursday) too. I think this heat wave is predicted to break by Saturday or Sunday. Fingers crossed!
@365projectmaxine Hi Maxine. Black squirrels are so common here that I forget that they are not in a lot of other places. I actually prefer the grey squirrels, and we do have them too, but black ones dominate :-)