Another Lunenburg Movie Site by Weezilou

Another Lunenburg Movie Site

Well, what fun it was to read all your comments about your shared movie experiences or complete lack of same! It's always a delight to strike a chord.

I swapped several email with Tracy (who looks after my pets in CA) and told her about the movie encounters. She told me she'd seen the Cisco ads that were filmed here, and sent me the new trailer for "Haven" that's about to debut on the SyFy channel (July 9th at 10 PM) When I saw they both were filmed at this street corner about two blocks from the center of town, I thought I'd stop by "The Walk of Fame" (she said in jest) and take a picture of my own and share the links with you.

Now, if you watch "Haven" (from a Steven King novel), it looks like you'll get to see a lot of local sites, as well as some of the towns and scenery between Lunenburg & Chester (about 20 miles up the road). I'll have to wait for it to come out on NetFlix as we don't have the SyFy channel, but I hope you'll tell me what you think of it if you watch!

So here's the ad with Ellen Page ("Juno") and the trailer from the mini-series

(I looked for a trailer for "Moby Dick" that was filmed in part here last fall, but came up with nothing. I have a photo of locals in costume until something better comes along.)
Thanks for the update. I will watch for it.
June 20th, 2010  
Thanks for sharing the links. I just checked them all out. Haven looks really good. I'll have to write myself a note to watch it. I love that Ellen Page ad also. I thought Juno was a cute movie. I think that kid will go far.
June 20th, 2010  
I've loved Ellen Page since I discovered her in the Canadian TV series Pit Pony (1999-2000) based on the movie of the same name (1997) A family friendly series set in Nova Scotia in 1901, Ellen Page plays a feisty like girl and adds charm to the series.
June 20th, 2010  
I am not much of a movie buff but these sound good so will have to check them out...always better when you know where they were filmed. Richmond, Virginia has been the site of several movies over the past several years. In fact, I believe our state is trying to promote itself as a "movie capital" of sorts!
June 20th, 2010  
And another view that makes me want to visit.
June 20th, 2010  
Yeah, maybe I should get a passport and pack my bags. Why not? I have the entire month of July free...!
June 20th, 2010  
yay for making movies... Great picture
June 20th, 2010  
Fun to watch a movie being made! Thanks for the comment on my Peony photo. I also have the light pink but they had not opened yet. They really are a pretty flower, aren't they :o)
June 20th, 2010  
Such a beautiful place. I love Ellen Page!
June 20th, 2010  
wow! such a popular place! can see why production crews would choose it though! it's gorgeous! and so much character in those buildings!
June 20th, 2010  
Very cool! Thanks for sharing. I watched the Ellen Page ad and I couldn't help but think that the cat that appears in the ad looked familiar. I thought he or she looked like one of the cats you photographed shortly after arriving in Lunenburg, so I went back for another look. Sure enough, I found that Pippen bears a striking resemblance to the cat in the ad. Did he do a little spot as an 'extra' ? :)
June 20th, 2010  
Ohhh thanks for sharing the links. Such a picturesque town! It always makes me giggle like a little school kid when I find places like these where actors/actresses I admire have been. *let you in on a little secret* Not sure how you feel about the whole Twilight movie/book craziness, but last year I took a gal's trip to areas around Seattle and Portland where they filmed parts of the movie. It really was fun!! We didn't do any of the guided tours, but we did our research and well... yeah, I'm a nerd. :)
June 20th, 2010  
It seems that every corner you turn there is something of interest and building that really are perfect for the film world. Another fascinating insight.
June 20th, 2010  
Great shot!!
June 20th, 2010  
very nice picture and great composition..
June 20th, 2010  
Thanks for the info! I too love Ellen Page. Did I see this street in mystic river????
June 20th, 2010  
Wow! never a dull moment in your part of the world.
I must say that it does lend itself to films when you look at the wonderful scenerey and lack of crowds etc - beautiful.
Thanks for the clips to watch - very interesting! :D
June 20th, 2010  
I love seeing pictures of Lunenburg! I love Nova Scotia so so much.
June 20th, 2010  
Thanks for the clips and the info. I've been watching the trailors and have July 9th @ 10pm programed into my calendar reminder. I have been looking forward to Haven and now that I know it was filmed in Lunenburg, I'll be paying more attention to the background.
June 20th, 2010  
I thought of Yucca as a desert plant too! I actually looked up their habitat and they live in the desert, grasslands and open woods! It is true that after a long white winter the colors of summer are intoxicating to me! I think this is a part of what intrigues me about Colorado---the distinct seasons, each with its own special character :o)
June 20th, 2010  
What a beautiful sight! Nice shot. ^_^
June 20th, 2010  
Hi Louise! Lunenburg gets more interesting all the time! Must be fun! Thanks for your comments on my rabbit pictures! We have dramatically reduced cord chew-age by strategically placing little hay cubes around---he loves to play with them and they are very hard and crunchy. Also, we have lots of plastic tubing we put around cords, and we have done much cord repair...lots of electrical tape! I wonder if he has ever had a jolt!
June 20th, 2010  
Very cool, Louise!
Thanks for all of the info on the movie(s).
As Craigy said previously, they film a lot of movies in Vancouver...and in particular in my little neck of the woods, as the village can look like Mian Street USA, or a Western Town, or what it is, a quaint little shopping/tourist spot.
Lyn Wilkinson has a great story...
They were filming a Tony Danza Christmas movie for TV, a few years back, in the Spring, so they had to truck in snow ( that happens a lot,'s very pun intended! ).
One day, after Lyn got home from work and running errands etc, there was a knock on her door.
She opened it to find Tony Danza standing there with a bag of her groceries, which she'd accidentally left sitting beside her car.
He'd had a bit of a break in filming, so he went out for a stroll, when he happened upon her house, with her groceries sitting in the driveway.
Anyway, Lyn thanked him and then invited him in for tea....which he accepted! So they sat and had afternoon tea together!
I LOVE that story!
Kelsey would regularly go into Steveston when they were filming, and chat up the crew. She always got lots of autographs of stars...the biggest of whom was Courtenay Cox, who was filming 500 Miles to Graceland ( terrible movie! ).
One of the funniest anecdotes we have is that they used Brad's brother's house ( which is a lovely heritage house ) in which to film a horror movie. The family was allowed to stay in the house while the filming was going on, as they primarily filmed in the attic. brad's brother said it was really weird though, as they had lots of fake bloody bodies lying about, hanging from chains, etc..which could be seen through the little attic window, from the street.
Anyway...( this is getting to be a novel!)...the movie has the reputation ( amongst those who have seen it, of which there were very very few ) fo being one of the worst movies of all time.
And when Kelsey was in theatre school, one of her instructors was giving a lecture on the realities of the business..talking about how hard it is to actually make a living as an actor, and that sometimes you have to take roles that you aren't very proud of..and then she went on to cite the worst job she ever had, which she took just for the guessed was the one that was filmed at Brad's brother's house.
So, she and Kelsey ( and all of the rest of us ) had a real good laugh about that one!
June 20th, 2010  
Another great view Louise, and fantastic looking weather! As a Londoner, you guessed it, I always feel too reserved to go up to stars and ask for a chat or autographs!
June 20th, 2010  
Re - the people I met during the Japanese fellowship...I hate to say that we all seem to have lost touch now. 2 of the group were from Australia and I really thought I might visit one day but now 10 years have passed and I no longer have names, emails, or anything...a missed opportunity but then again life is often about timing. My boys were still living home then and I had neither the time nor money to travel on my own. In fact, every since my divorce (read that- no extra $$$) almost all my travel (other than trips home or to visit a friend in another state) all my travels are somehow related to educational travels...meaning I attend a conference (school pays.) I get a fellowship (Japanese government paid.) I chaperone a group of kids (my cost is then covered.) So I have managed to travel a good bit but have always had to be creative in how I can do it...always have had strings attached.... but one day I hope to just plan a trip somewhere like Italy and then do whatever I want when I get there!
June 20th, 2010  
here's to an exciting week! i can only imagine your smiles from ear to ear!
June 20th, 2010  
This is great! :)
There have been a couple of movies filmed in my town... the most recent would be Blood Done Signed My Name, and the most famous Taledega Nights. :)
It would be neat to have big stars around a lot !
June 20th, 2010  
two years ago , part of a movie was filmed at my son's school - Lovely Bones - i hear it ended up being a stinker, I still haven't seen it, but i thought the book was good. anyhooo, it was quite exciting, they also filmed around the town and county that we live in - susan surandon, mark walberg were big names in it. it was quite exciting for about a week ! :)
June 21st, 2010  
^ I liked The Lovely Bones, RO!
And the town was practically another character! I can see it so clearly in my mind, still. That's cool!

You know! ;-)
June 21st, 2010  
Hi, Louise - thank you for your comments on my labels! I love the colors of them.

And on the micro - breweries - before this last week, they could brew and sell to "retailers". They could not sample it out or serve it or sell it directly to the consumer. Being from California we were really surprised about it (but then South Carolina is backward in many things...part of that is the charm that we like about it. We used to drink Coast Ale in pubs but now we can buy it and bring it home with us! Yea!
June 21st, 2010  
Thanks for commenting my posts, Loiuse!
I can understand why such a elegant town is used to movies locations. I will check those movies in order to find Lunenburg in them.
June 21st, 2010  
Beautiful!!! I love Stephen King! We are getting our very own movie studios in my little town here in Michigan. Hopefully it will bring some very needed jobs to our city. Now we have celebrities visiting our city as well.
June 21st, 2010  
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