135 days into my year long daily Literature project. We have a cat visitor! I must admit I do not like cats, they creep around and I feel uncomfortable when they are around, creepy indeed! Franz Kafka adored cats but this line of his is apposite, cates are uncontrollable independent creatures.
"I control the mice with a cat, but how shall I control the cat?"
I'm sorry you don't like cats, this looks like a very attractive one. Well done to get a photo of it. My husband likes to tease me that dogs are much better pets, more intelligent etc. but I will agree to disagree. I hope this cat behaves itself when it's on your property.
Ha ha, great minds think alike. Or is it fools seldom differ? LOL! I adore cats but can't have pets of any kind sadly. That is a great Kafka quotation.
@wakelys Possibly, but I was indoors with a long lens; I KNEW cats where psychic! @casablanca Sorry you can't have pets, my greyhound Alfie is a great comfort and support to me at the moment.