To misquote slightly, the Apostle Paul and General George S Patton.
For Get Pushed #649 Kelly Ann Gray @kellyanngray challenged me to shoot through a glass, a window, foliage anything.
This is a shot through a wet, very wet, train window in Sydney, on one of our many trips by train rather than walking as is our wont. You can just see the Opera House through the rain that Sydney has really turned on for our current visit here!
Oh Suzanne!!! This is amazing! Fantastic image. I love the focus on the water/rain which has been a theme of your trip. And the Opera House. The shadows and shape. So good.
@wakelys @seattlite
@365projectorgchristine @joansmor @casablanca @narayani @aleksandra_julia @leggzy @ludwigsdiana @onewing @purdeygrey