This month will be all about engaging with nature and the outdoors for the 30 days of June.
I wander our garden every morning and during the day if it isn't raining to see what new blooms and insects I can spy. The little mantis on the left has been hanging around the Lambertia for over a month now and seems to be slowly getting bigger. I was thrilled to spot the Robber Fly on the right. There won't be many spiders or other critters about as the weather is cooling now. I believe the lower middle image could be the remains of a caterpillar with the cocoons of Euplectrus larvae spun around it. I spotted it on a gum leaf.
If you want to join in you can find prompts below.....
@olivetreeann he does - every morning I go out to check if he's still there and even though the plant is only small it is often a task to find him.....I will miss him when he moves on hahaha