I lost track of how many deer we actually saw when out and about this day. I appreciated the many photo ops it gave me, certainly! On Monday the 27th, I will have a total knee replacement surgery on my right knee, which some of you may recall went out on me big-time last March 1st. So, I won't be able to get out as we normally do for awhile to search out photo ops. If any of you believe in the power of prayer, I'd surely appreciate your prayers for a successful surgery with no complications and an easy recovery! Thanks so much in advance!
Of course I will be praying for you but you need not worry. I've had both my knees replaced and a hip! And the surgery is even more streamlined now than it was when I had mine, so you'll be good as new in no time. Keep up with your post op exercises and follow the dr.'s orders and the Lord will do the rest. The first month will be uncomfortable as your body reacts to the surgery, but every month after that you'll see improvement and feel better. By the third month you'll be moving better and probably only using a cane. Around the 6th or 7th month you start to feel yourself again and by the 11th/year mark you'll be wishing you had the surgery sooner because being pain-free is awesome! (o:
@olivetreeann Thanks, Ann! I have been seeing a physical therapist since last February and she has become a personal friend. So, I'll be in good hands as I recover! :-) Thankfully, we have a nice lift chair which I have mostly slept in this last year. Most nights lately I start in the bed but have to leave it in the wee hours. For the next few weeks it will be my full-time spot.
I've had both knees replaced in the last few years and I'm so glad I did. Like many people I know, I had less discomfort following the surgery than I thought. The physical therapy was a challenge but my therapists were great and I could see so much progress. It's great that your PT is a friend. Good luck and I'll pray for you.
@illinilass Thank you, Dorothy! The way I understand it, they will have me up and walking same day with a walker, and want me to walk around the house for five minutes once an hour after coming home, plus physical therapy to help prevent the knee from stiffening up. But, I won't be able to climb into our truck for a few weeks, probably; so our typical photo excursions will have to wait! Hoping I can get more creative and still find things to photograph. Don't want to drop off of here very long!
@illinilass Thanks for the suggestion, Dorothy! I want to stay with my PT person that I've been seeing for the last year and I don't think she could come to the house because of distance. We are able to borrow the Senior Center van as I need to get out the first several weeks. Shouldn't have any trouble getting in and out of it! 😊
Beautiful woodlands shot… the backlighting is very nice. Prayers for a successful surgery… I have two titanium hips… one last September and one at the end of 2014. Truly awesome and my 2024 surgery went even better than the 2014 surgery did… as Ann said… the surgeries have come a long way. Sounds like you’ve got a solid plan for rehab.
@kvphoto Thanks, KV! It's even more amazing to me to think of all the hiking you are able to do, now knowing that you've had both hips replaced!! I appreciate your encouraging words, and those of others here on 365! Such a caring and supportive community! 💕
Lovely capture! The post op exercises are important. It’s very much a routine operation these days, though I understand that it’s a big deal for you. I have looked after quite a few post op TKR in my time - I wish you well.
@carole_sandford Thanks for your encouraging words, Carole! I intend to faithfully do every exercise my PT gal gives me because I want speedy and full recovery of my knee function! :-) Surgery now scheduled for 12:30 p.m. (7:30 p.m., your time) on Monday! So looking forward to having it behind me!
Such a great shot, Barb! So peaceful looking with the one sitting down, and another one looking far off (with a lovely dusting of white snow on its back) Fav (Good luck with your surgery, Barb! I see from many of these comments and your replies that you are well prepared. But yes, it will be so good to have it behind you! xo
A lovely photo scene and many good wishes for your speedy recovery. I’m sure you will ace it and be back on your feet very soon. After the many ops I have had I found my total knee replacements went fine and back on my feet feeling a lot better in 6 weeks. It’s just in time for spring and all those photo opportunities!
@craftymeg Hi, Margaret! So appreciate your encouraging words re: knee replacement surgeries. It's amazing to me to realize so many here on 365 have had this surgery and are being so quick to offer encouragement! I'm asking Ken to take me for a drive this afternoon in hopes of a few good photo ops so I will have something to post in the days following my surgery. Thanks again for your kind and thoughtful words! ❤️
January 25th, 2025
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Of course I will be praying for you but you need not worry. I've had both my knees replaced and a hip! And the surgery is even more streamlined now than it was when I had mine, so you'll be good as new in no time. Keep up with your post op exercises and follow the dr.'s orders and the Lord will do the rest. The first month will be uncomfortable as your body reacts to the surgery, but every month after that you'll see improvement and feel better. By the third month you'll be moving better and probably only using a cane. Around the 6th or 7th month you start to feel yourself again and by the 11th/year mark you'll be wishing you had the surgery sooner because being pain-free is awesome! (o:
I've had both knees replaced in the last few years and I'm so glad I did. Like many people I know, I had less discomfort following the surgery than I thought. The physical therapy was a challenge but my therapists were great and I could see so much progress. It's great that your PT is a friend. Good luck and I'll pray for you.
Wishing you all the best for a successful surgery & a speedy recovery!
Can’t you have physio come to the house? Many of my friends have who can’t get out. Medicare or insurance pays.
Glad to hear that. You’ll be well taken care of.