1) 2025-01-25 the dance of day and night by Mona

2) Mountain road by Wylie

3) A Friendly Robin by Issi Bannerman

4) She started to sing afterall by Diana

5) like twinkling stars! by KoalaGardensšŸØ

6) Watchful Stare by KV

7) Sentinels by Babs

8) Leaders of the camel trainā€¦. by l.eggzy (Linda)

9) . . . And the Storm Goeth? . . . Leaveth? by Poppo Livy

10) Reflected beach huts by Susan Wakely

11) In the Centre by Carole Sandford

12) Chickadee by Kerry McCarthy

13) The Elephant Chews with His Mouth Open by Junko Y

14) Forest Gifts by Jane Pittenger

15) Holly bush with snow by mittens (Marilyn)

16) Sunset by KWind

17) A change in the weather by kali

18) A Sunset by bkb in the city

19) Almost like a single image collage... by Rob Z

20) Lobster Pots,Amble by carol white

  1. 2025-01-25 the dance of day and night by mona65

  2. Mountain road by pusspup

  3. A Friendly Robin by jamibann

  4. She started to sing afterall by ludwigsdiana

  5. like twinkling stars! by koalagardens

  6. Watchful Stare by kvphoto

  7. Sentinels by onewing

  8. Leaders of the camel trainā€¦. by leggzy

  9. . . . And the Storm Goeth? . . . Leaveth? by terryliv

  10. Reflected beach huts by wakelys

  11. In the Centre by carole_sandford

  12. Chickadee by mccarth1

  13. The Elephant Chews with His Mouth Open by jyokota

  14. Forest Gifts by jgpittenger

  15. Holly bush with snow by mittens

  16. Sunset by kwind

  17. A change in the weather by kali66

  18. A Sunset by bkbinthecity

  19. Almost like a single image collage... by robz

  20. Lobster Pots,Amble by carolmw

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