Our tutors during the advanced accordion week play a final evening concert.
Really getting tired now after more late nights and relatively early mornings. More workshops today, working on an arrangement of the kost ar choat tunes and also time to practise our band arrangement.
More overeating also with quiche buffet for lunch, a cream tea and a tagine and crème brulée for dinner. The tagine was a bit boring so I doctored it with crisps, olives and cheese.
A concert in the afternoon with the tutors but also spots from some of the participants. Amazing set from the tutors. A few of us played for dancing in the long room after till around 1 for me. Rather excitingly , AC was seen to get up and dance to one of our bourrées. Another late night.
@blightygal the new chef there has taken to cooking these rather drab vegetarian options of any old veg in a kind of bland tomatoey sauce with probably some spice out of a jar and calling it curry, tagine, cassoulet or some such - they're not great...
@boxplayer Ah, yeah, that chef isn't a fan of veggie food then! Tagine's are normally full of flav, shame to make it bland. I always say of that kind of food that it's 'kiddyfied'.