An interesting fable about an eighteenth century woman selling her soul for more life and freedom. She gets what she wants but at a cost - she never dies but no one ever remembers her. Interesting take on how you'd live if you had all the time in the world or hardly any at all.
Was so exhausted yesterday that I fell easily into a deep sleep. Unfortunately, we were both bolt upright at 2.30 hearing a crash. My mum had broken her water glass while going to the loo. So another disturbed night.
Lay in bed for a while with a headache and only got up for a nice halloumi brunch and to do photo book work and catalogue my bookmarks. Such fun. Dank day. Also arranged for roofer to start next week.
@kjarn so I can find the perfect bookmark for the book I'm reading! I'm giving them keywords eg this one I might give keywords of France (it's from the Musee d'Orsay), time etc
I hope you sleep well tonight,