• June 2024

1st Jun 2024 - June starts with a lot of rain
2nd Jun 2024 - Visitors on the hat
3rd Jun 2024 - Still rain...
4th Jun 2024 - Finally sun again :)
5th Jun 2024 - I look forward to this orange
6th Jun 2024 - Small apples. The tree is full of them.
7th Jun 2024 - I went swimming for the first time today ☀️
8th Jun 2024 - Yodeling course with hiking.
9th Jun 2024 - Flowers on the pile of rubble
10th Jun 2024 - Lettuce as far as the eye can see...
11th Jun 2024 - Source TAZ June 11, 2024
12th Jun 2024 - Birthday flowers for my mother.
17th Jun 2024 - Was the ant looking for lice
18th Jun 2024 - To swim!
19th Jun 2024 - The neighbors' old lady
20th Jun 2024 - Elder. The flowers look as lovely
21st Jun 2024 - Something's brewing!
22nd Jun 2024 - No one there yet.
29th Jun 2024 - The eggplant blossom says goodnight.