This is another staple in my food arsenal that is 0 points for the meal. Roasted Brussel sprouts, steamed asparagus, iron skillet sauteed salmon (then finished in oven), with fresh dill and lemon to put on everything! I use Old Bay seasoning on my salmon, I only use sprays of oil (so no extra fats), and it's delicious. I had JUST ENOUGH light at the end of the day to take this outside and use the natural light.
This was so damned good, not gonna lie. Easy (start to finish is about 25 minutes), and good for me. Tomorrow is week 5 weigh-in. I haven't gained weight yet, and it looks like I may be plateauing or have lost very little. If I can eat like this and yesterday, I don't really care!
My walk was in a long-sleeve t-shirt today. The weather is truly all over the place.
Nooo -- no more food lessons?? Well, congrats for finishing your month. Your cooking is always inspiring, and the idea that you made a 0 point, easy and delicious meal as your finale speaks to your good planning.
@jyokota Thank you friend, but doing this daily has been such a chore because I never had enough light at the end of the day to justify many of my shots! I am proud of it, though, and if it has given anyone an idea for cooking, then it was worth it! You have my number, and I am always happy to talk food with you :) March is going to be a much more interesting task, and it's something I've been meaning to do! I don't have to go anywhere for it, and I think my family will appreciate my work doing it! Sometimes Covid does inspire!
March 2nd, 2021
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