Looking for much feedback? Try Photosig

August 7th, 2010
No, I'm not affiliated with the photosig site, and I feel quite allright for mentioning this site here as it is a completely different thing than a 365 :-) However, I think it could be of real use to many people here that are actively trying to improve there skills using their 365.

It is a photo community site where you get credits for giving good critiques on photos, and with those credits you can upload your own photos. All critiques are evaluated as well by the photosig members, and you only get creds for those critiques that are found to be really helpful.

This really motivates people to look closely at each other's photos and share not just congratulations, but also often very useful comments and remarks on how to improve your photo. And by giving critique and seeing what people appreciate in your critiques you learn a lot of how to share your opinions on other people's photos.

I signed up for this site ages ago, but only recently started looking at it again and I've just uploaded my first new photo. I'm not going to put every 365 photo on there, just those where I think I went all out and I want to know how to improve my skills.

So, feel free to take a stroll on the site, and I'm looking forward to hearing what you think of it.


My photos are at: http://www.photosig.com/go/users/userphotos?id=174231
August 8th, 2010
Sounds interesting, I will have to check it out!
August 20th, 2010
Based on your suggestion Ihave tried this for a few days. Very different experience over there. I think you need a pretty thick skin but can learn important things about your photography. Although I think I will hesitate posting anything but my best work in the future after getting one review that said it was flat, uninspired, over exposed and I should go read a book on photography.
August 20th, 2010
Hi David, good for you on giving it a go anyway! I'm selective with what I post up there as well, as the expectations are quite high. Getting a response that something is flat, uninspired, over exposed and go read a photography book deserve getting a Not Helpful vote. If people feel there are ways to improve the photo, they should offer advice and not just flame. I had a few (just a few though) of those as well.

However, on the whole I'm getting advices and comments that really help my further my skills, but I must admit to biting my tongue quite often as well and not to get too defensive :-) The site is all about getting and giving critique, which is not always as easy to accept when you yourself are very excited about a photo.

What is your name on photosig? Would love to see what you have posted.
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