Do you plan your photos or do you just let them happen

February 5th, 2014
Most of my photos are purely by chance. I do take the time to compose my photos (well most of them) Most of the time I don't plan my shots, just look around and see what I see.
Just wondering what other people do
February 5th, 2014
Me too. Time is so short that I just have to snap during my day to day life. Maybe when winter arrives I will have more time to play around with effects and that sort of thing. What I do like is the project makes me look and appreciate what is around me. For example today I ducked down to the beach to take a shot on the way to meet the school bus. Normally I wouldn't do that.
February 5th, 2014
I don't plan my shots either... in fact, the few times I have tried to do a planned shoot, the end result was terrible! It's something I need to work on. I'm much better at seeing what is interesting than making something interesting from scratch, if that makes any sense. Like you said, it's not that I don't take care in composing and setting up my photos once I find something, but I don't go out with anything particular in mind. The drawback to that method is that when you get to the end of the day and nothing has presented itself yet, it can be hard to come up with anything!
February 5th, 2014
Yes--I plan my shots and I also get shots by chance.
February 5th, 2014
depends on the day - right now there's really nothing good to shoot outside so I plan a lot of indoor shots.
February 5th, 2014
@slowtidenz that's one of my favorite things about doing this project! I've seen so many great scenes I would have missed if I hadn't been on the lookout or gone slightly out of my normal way to see what I might find.
February 5th, 2014
Mine are pretty much by chance, too, Mike. I've discovered your can find a picture to take almost anywhere.
February 5th, 2014
You may call me Last-minute Lucy.
February 5th, 2014
It depends on the day for me. Some shots I'll get the idea in my head earlier in the day and then go shoot it later on, while other times I just stumble across something and think that it would look neat.

Once in a while I'll go out shooting with friends and get a batch of photos and use a few of those.
February 5th, 2014
Very rarely do I plan...
February 5th, 2014
I plan to take pictures. That's about all the planning I do. I do have some things I want to photograph, such as lighthouses and such, that I do when I get the opportunity. But, other than that, I take the pictures as the opportunity arises.
February 5th, 2014
@riverlandphotos Last-minute Lucy lol that's a good one...and also true for me
February 5th, 2014
@timhale I also do the same. I sometimes get an idea in my head and it takes a few days to figure out how to do it.
February 5th, 2014
@mittens very true
February 5th, 2014
It's a mixed bag for me, but even when I'm out randomly shooting, I'm already telling a story in my head for each of my shots. Some though are planned for days, or longer. :)
February 5th, 2014
@polarvrtx I agree with you on that one. Even my friends and family are on the lookout for good shots for me :)
February 5th, 2014
@slowtidenz When I'm working I sometimes work from sun up to sun down (in winter time anyway) so it can be tough sometimes
February 5th, 2014
@grizzlysghost I wish I had your talent for telling stories with photos and thanks for replying
February 5th, 2014
I walk,I explore,I shoot.( even when it is just inside my cabin on really inclement days)Sometimes if I have photographed a subject I really liked..but was not happy with the result...I will plan to return to it and shoot it again.
February 5th, 2014
First two years I did the whole snap as I could now I plan a little bit more and put a bit more thought into things
February 5th, 2014
i do a combination of both Mike --------------sometimes i plan an actual shot -more often I plan what I want to take but then snap and change settings and experiment - and then because I have my camera on me most of the time I just snap away and look forward to what I may have captured :)
I love playing around in photo editors ---------------I take way way to many photoslol
February 5th, 2014
Most days it's pot luck what I get, but then I'll spot something and think 'I'll come back for that another day eg at a different time or when I'm needing something'. Only change to that is when I've done a theme month when I might well put some more thought into it. Too much of my life is regimented, it's nice to go with the flow..!
February 5th, 2014
I give thought to what I want to shoot and will go out of ny way to get it, then it can all go out the door and I will take something completely unexpected.....
if something presents itself or just catches my interest I'II change focus.... I'm very flexible and random I helps me if I have a theme....
February 5th, 2014
Sometimes I plan shots. Especially if it is for a specific thing or idea. I get an idea on an area I want to shoot. Once I am there, the ideas come from mainly just checking around and seeing what works and what doesn't. Quite often what I thought wouldn't work, actually works better than what I thought would. Does that make sense? If not I am off for another coffee!
February 5th, 2014
A bit of both, I have some ideas in my head and if by the evening I have nothing I've chanced upon I try to get a planned shot done. Alright in theory but a few of my planned shots have failed dismally. Then it's hoping I can get a pet shot before bed!
February 5th, 2014
I plan lots of shots in my head but never actually get to carry them out. I do sometimes go out with the intention of taking a particular shot and it comes off but mostly spur of the moment stuff. I suppose I set up potential shots of birds by feeding them near trees etc but you are never sure what may come along.
February 5th, 2014
It depends. I have a list of ideas that I want to try but more often than not, an unplanned shot leaps to the forefront shouting "Pick me! Pick me!"
February 5th, 2014
On occasion I pre game by researching locations both on internet and in person and go back for what I call a target destination shot. But mostly I simply go for a walk and observe and the shots jump out at me. And sometimes it's best to sit and observe and let the shots come to you. But whenever I'm stuck, go for a walk.
February 5th, 2014
During the cold dreary winter months, I plan a lot of my photography. I like to try new things that can be done indoors. Once the Spring arrives it is a crap shoot so many things to photograph outside!
February 5th, 2014
As Lucy @riverlandphotos stated previously, I am also last minute Lynda! I very rarely plan a pic (a quick look through my album will confirm this!)
February 5th, 2014
a little bit of both. i like to document the day but i also go out on walks regularly, so the surroundings become quite familiar. sometimes i will take shots of the same thing over several days, at different times of day, and find out which i like best (lots of little things will be different: lighting, weather conditions, etc) :)
February 5th, 2014
Mostly just shoot something I see, every once in a while plan something (but by "plan" I mean take a few minutes to throw something together.)
February 5th, 2014
@m9f9l @taleweaver @lyndag @dmward @michaelelliott @steampowered @barrowlane @wearing0 @sioux @ourrube @filsie65 @annied @silverhorn @mzzhope Thank you all for replying to my discussion. It really is interesting and fun to read all the comments
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