wet cats - made me laugh

February 7th, 2014
some funny, some bizarre shots of wet cats. my cats love water, and a couple of kittens, now cats, that we have bred, regularly jump in and paddle around in their owner's bath water....nice!

anyway, thought these were good. and bearing in mind we all love a good cat shot, decided to share :-)

February 7th, 2014
OMG I thought the first one was hysterical and then by the end I had tears streaming down my face!!! Thank you for that today!
February 7th, 2014
If I did that to my cats, I wouldn't survive the night. My Maine Coon would look ridiculous, too. =P
February 7th, 2014
@kymbirleigh I reckon some of these cats haven't been bathed, they've just either fallen in water, or gone in it themselves out of choice....oh, and I love maine coons!
February 7th, 2014
@jaynspain She used to hang out in the tub for some reason... That ended the day she jumped in it full of water. She flipped out and has never hung out in the tub since! ;o)
February 7th, 2014
Hilarious!! Wet cats have no dignity at all!!
February 7th, 2014
Hahahaha!!!! Wet cats make me laugh! Don't laugh in front of them, though. They will get their revenge. ;-)
February 7th, 2014
Haha, they all look so indignant. Thanks for sharing @jaynspain
February 7th, 2014
Those are funny!!! Especially the bug eyed one!!
February 8th, 2014
So funny. Thank you for sharing.
February 8th, 2014
February 8th, 2014
These are so funny.
February 8th, 2014
February 8th, 2014
Omg hahahah I laughed so hard that my father asked me what i was doing and I showed this to him ... he had to laugh too!
February 8th, 2014
ha - you know someone got cut
February 8th, 2014
Now I know why cats hate getting wet. They don't want to be seen like that.
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