Recruiting Models

February 23rd, 2014
Hey All - I'm looking to expand my portfolio and skill base into people photography which includes portraiture and fashion. Any ideas of how to recruit models? I've used all my close by friends and family and want to branch further.

Any ideas?
February 23rd, 2014
i think some have talked about a site called model mayhem? where photogs and models barter their skills... i don't really know anything about it tho...
February 23rd, 2014
There's always the 100 strangers project
February 23rd, 2014
I know someone who regularly uses model mayhem. His regular work sees him travelling across the country a bit so he uses the site to tee up photo shoots during his down time. Been tempted to try it myself but can't commit the time at the moment.
February 23rd, 2014
I too am trying to branch out in this direction. I've approached complete strangers and asked them if they would model for me. I've done one very cool shoot with a 16 year old girl and have lined up a 20-something Maori girl to photograph. It's really out of my comfort zone, but it's a great push.

These people I just saw while I was out and about. I have looked at Model Mayhem but since I don't have transport to get to the models (none is closer than a 20 minute drive away from me) I can't use them right now.

My suggestions:

-family and friends (which it sounds like you've exhausted
-complete strangers on the street
- ask if the ones you have photographed have any family members or friends who would like to model for you
-a site such as model mayhem
-advertising in a local paper or notice board offering prints for their time

Have fun and good luck finding some willing subjects.
February 23rd, 2014
@northy @tigerdreamer @dtigani @obmcreations

I have a Model Mayhem account and found it of some use but now most if not all my shoots and models are tracked down through facebook groups.

Have a look for model, photographer and MUA groups with you town name.
February 23rd, 2014
I can recommend Model Mayhem and Purestorm.
You'll need to submit a portfolio of some studio type shots to get your account up and running, but that shouldn't be a problem.
Then you can search on the sites and use their filters to narrow down to your location and also "TFP" (Time for Prints) or "TFCD" (Time for CD)
Of course the TFP/CD option means you'll be working with inexperienced models, but part of the learning process is directing models anyway.
Also, if you have a college nearby who have a Hair & Beauty department they might need photography for their work.
February 23rd, 2014
Have used Gumtree a few times myself
February 23rd, 2014
February 23rd, 2014
In all seriousness, I reckon social networks are the way forward. Although its interesting to read where other people are using :-)
February 23rd, 2014
@amyamoeba I have two teenage children who will happily pose for anyone who offers them cake.
February 24th, 2014
@northy Thanks a bunch. I've checked out model mayhem. :) @tigerdreamer You are right...not sure I'm there though but going to try and tackle this summer I think.
@obmcreations advertising. That's a great idea!
@agima will do. Great suggestion
@pjtphoto Thanks a bunch. I will check out Purestorm
@motorsports Thanks for the heads up. I will check out Gumtree
@amyamoeba mmmm...cake.
February 25th, 2014
@dh LOL I wish I lived near you then. ;)
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