What do YOU do?

July 26th, 2010
When you miss a day, do you just skip that day or do you post an old picture, take extra pictures on the day you post? And do you think it's "wrong" if a person doesn't just skip the day and does put in a filler?

I find myself taking extra pictures to fill the void, I'm not sure I like it. I wish I were more focused where I could put out even a not so great picture everyday. I guess I just need a theme, for everyday something to give me a jump of inspiration because some-days there just isn't anything that does it for me.
July 26th, 2010
hi sara ,
like everything everyone has different ways to do this for themselfs . I dont like to leave gaps so if i dont have a photo taken on that day i add an older one . Some ppl call that cheating on this site , which is ANNOYING as this isnt a contest where the winner gets a brand new camera at the end if they finish it lol .
I enjoy looking at everyones photos no matter if its been taken on that day or 10 years ago. Its still about them .
July 26th, 2010
I'm taking the opposite approach to Brenda. :) It's cool and all if you want to post 10 year old photos, but I'm about trying to do a 365 project as originally envisaged, so if I miss a day (which I haven't yet, somehow) there'll be a nice white gap there to remind me I was a div when I look back on it.
July 26th, 2010
Personally I fill it with a photo from the day before or the day after if I had more than one I really liked - though I'm still only on my 10th day lol so I'll probably miss more soon :D
July 27th, 2010
Things change. That's really what life is all about. :) In the beginning, I was driven to never miss a day. Lately, I have had to miss a day here and there, but I don't want to leave gaps on my calendar. I never fill a gap with an 'old' photo, however. It's always taken within a period of a few days. Looks to me that everyone goes about this project differently, and that is good. Makes it a personal journey.
July 27th, 2010
I don't like gaps.... and so I will use a photo from the day before, or the day after. I don't think it matters, there isn't a strict set of "rules" that we all agreed to when we joined, so make of it what you want!
July 27th, 2010
I've been lucky enough to not miss a day - yet - but would try to fill in from the day before or after to stay as close as possible, I imagine...
July 27th, 2010
I joined the project to prompt myself to take photos more regularly and to help me learn more about what I can do with my camera. I've mostly been taking photos every day, but some days I don't feel like taking photos or I just don't have the time. I will fill these days with "extra" shots from particularly productive days. Also, sometimes something happens and the best photo for recording it is an older photo; then I use that.
July 27th, 2010
If I'm particularly uninspired or am under the weather I might fill in with a shot from the day or two before, usually it's one I was partial to but that didn't make "the cut." It hasn't happened too often though. Yet.

If you're looking for a theme to inspire you there is always a weekly theme here on 365 that you might help give you some focus (no pun intended). Also try dailyshoot.com - every morning they post an "assignment" that might give you some inspiration. Most importantly- have fun, don't make this a chore, just make it your own.
July 27th, 2010
I'd leave the gap... and possibly quit the project. But I'm at 6 years without missing a day.

@Bob -- It's not luck.

July 27th, 2010
woah. 6 years???

i usually fill it with a picture from the day before. or if i get a really nice picture one day, but dont upload it, if i miss a day ill upload that picture
July 27th, 2010
For me, the whole point of it is to have a picture from every single day. They're not all great, but they're all mine, daily. So far, so good. I'm nowhere near 6 years, but Josh is great proof that it can be done!
July 27th, 2010
Good for you Josh! 6 years, you should be proud!

I'm with Steve about not posting a photo from that day... what's the point of this site then? We might as well use Flickr, Photoblog or fotolog then... that's the USP of this site. A photo a day of that day, for a year... I know it's difficult, but that's the challenge! If somebody misses a day, I'd suggest taking one as soon as you can or leave it blank. And if you've taken one but it isn't very good, post it anyway.
July 27th, 2010
I have friends and family all over the world. I have a very busy career. Occasionally if I miss, I may post old and I may post new, (but not from 10 years ago!) My family enjoy seeing my pictures, and I do this project for myself and those that I love! Whatever this project means to you is special in its own way! I want my family and friends to see what I can find beautiful everyday, but, that might not mean that i took that picture that day. Sometimes (mostly) I have no time to upload and I have many days photos sitting on a camera or two.
And I sure have posted many, an average shot, but always with something that has memories for me for the year and also will convey my feelings and special moments to share, with my kin!
July 27th, 2010
Woah, six years?? I haven't missed a day, but I have used photos taken after midnight. BUT Steve and I agreed that if I had yet to sleep, then it was still that day, haha.
July 27th, 2010
Yeah that's definitely allowed!
July 27th, 2010
yep, agreed, for me, the day doesnt start till the sun comes up. Up till then, its still that "day". I'd leave the space blank or put in a photo of me saying i messed up so I can go back and see the "bad" days http://365project.org/toast/365/2010-05-22
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