What Do You DO?

July 27th, 2010
So I saw the thread "What do YOU do?" in the sidebar and my first thought was "Hrm, maybe that's a thread talking about peoples occupations" and got all curious. Turned out it was another fill/not thread, but it got me wondering...

What do we all DO all day? Or all night, as the case may be? Could be interesting, so I'll get the ball rolling...

I'm a web developer. I plan, oversee, and develop web-based applications, mainly in a LAMP environment.

How about you?
July 27th, 2010
I make computer games. Producer which means telling others what to do and reaping all the glory
July 27th, 2010
I am a nurse and a mum, Stay at home mum at the moment, although im doing the odd casual shift on my ward. I have specialised in NICU.
July 27th, 2010
I am the bookbuyer for Tate Modern and Tate Britain in London. I choose all the new titles for their shops - mostly books, films and magazines about Art, Design, Fashion, Cultural Studies, Photography, Philosophy, Film. Oh and lots of books for Children - good fun!
July 27th, 2010
I mostly answer the phone and tell people to "turn it off and on again ..."

And Simon, if you've not got 'The Smartest Giant In Town' in stock at either Tate, then I'm afraid you're just not doing your job properly ...
July 27th, 2010
I'm a med student. Which for now means sitting through hours of lectures and classes and occasionally speaking to/examining patients!
July 27th, 2010
I spread love and joy to all around me. Oh no, that was just me dreaming. I'm actually a software engineer (desktop and web) and develop enterprise solutions for clients. Vague? ... yes :)
July 27th, 2010
Currently a stay at hime mum wuith two girls age 3 and 20 months. I've had many varied jobs in the past, cook, deli manager, my last role I was managing a small call center for a workers compensation insurer.
July 27th, 2010
Funnily enough saw the same thread, and thought the same too!
I am a Business Developer, about to change to Banker.
July 27th, 2010
I'm an eLearning Developer. Instructional Designer.
July 27th, 2010
I'm a website manager for an organic seed company.
July 27th, 2010
I am a Health Information Technician/ Birth Records Clerk. The name makes it sound more fun but really its not..lol.. I sit in my own little office putting medical records in order and making sure that the doctors have signed and dictated what they needed to. I have to take the ones out that they didn't do and make sure they get done, and then when they finally decide to do them I have to put them back in their chart and then back on the huge shelf of charts. No one really understands what we do and don't respect it within the hospital but its very time consuming and we never get caught up. Like most jobs you work all day and usually your all caught up by some point but not us, its a never ending circle, it never gets caught up and its always behind. It use to really frustrate me but I have gotten use to it.
Other than my paying job, I am a mother to 3 beautiful girls and a wife. I also start back college at the end of August. We live a very busy life between trying to keep the kids active in sports and trying to manage a functional family (do those even exist anymore..lol).

Thanks for starting this thread Steve, its interesting to know what all the other 365 group do on a regular basis besides photography!
July 27th, 2010
I'm a student!
Never actually had a job, tried a million times though, had a coffee shop job for 3 weeks though...
July 27th, 2010
Unemployed for the first time since I was 12 years old! Up to three weeks ago I was a press photographer for a sunday red top newspaper, and gave it up to move 200 miles to live with my partner. Not sure now what to do next for a career.
July 27th, 2010
I'm a student and I work in a shoe shop feeling kids feet -.-
Clearly I prefer the student aspect to what I "do"
(Criminology and Forensic Studies in case anyone's interested)
July 27th, 2010
I'm a vet. Spend really long hours doing all sorts of crazy stuff to animals. Sometimes I wish I still worked at McDonald's- life was simpler then! :)
July 27th, 2010
I work for a non-profit organisation that through donation dollars helps to publish, translate, and distribute the Word of God in a language that you can understand and a price that you can afford. Donations come in through the mail and we (two of us in our department) process these donations, setting up accounts and managing the donor database. I have been working here since 1991 and I love it!
July 27th, 2010
I'm a medical education specialist at the local medical school. I help get those future doctors that expensive MD!
July 27th, 2010
Sarah85 i hear you, sometimes i still wish i worked at target!
July 27th, 2010
Simon Armstrong's job WINS. Amazing.

I am an office bitch for a sports centre by day, and something really glamorous and successful by night!
July 27th, 2010
Danielle Starr if that is what you really do - Criminal and Forensic Studies, oh you win in my book. I love that type of work, don't know whether I could do it , but I love the fact about it and read heaps , and of course watch all the Criminal shows
and usually am way ahead of the "tv" specialist, it's such an important part of our world.
July 27th, 2010
Then Simon A. because I just am a real book worm, and have always had a love of books.
July 27th, 2010
I'm a Grad Student in Information Systems for the next few days. I present my Master's Project tomorrow.

I also work in IT Security.
July 27th, 2010
Tracey Watkins TI had written about five lines then hit something in my rush to get it done, and lost the lot. So I wrote that I thought your job was another of huge importance because of the acountability factor. I have worked in jobs that other people thight was 'sooo terribly boring I couldn't stand it'
well hello, the job has to be done, and I loved the challenge of that fact that it was too boring. I just said "it doesn't bother me because I will be the best person that ever did that particular job".
I gave it my whole best, and always loved what I had to do and so became the best at what I did.
July 27th, 2010
I've been an Outdoor Educator (Adventure Ed and Environmental Ed) for a wide range of clients in three different countries. Work is seasonal so when I'm not working, I travel, write and take photos. :)
July 27th, 2010
Thank you Glenys Hardy (Mrs Moose), that means a lot!
July 27th, 2010
I am a senior in highschool, (but I guess I might as well put my dream job out there...) ...I want to be a photographer for National Geographic :)
My "job" right now is a babyistting job. Don't get payed much but I love the kids so that makes up for it :)
July 27th, 2010
I'm a preacher at a small country church in rural Virginia. I describe my job as "comforting the afflicted and afflicting the comfortable." When I'm not working, I'm spending time with my wife and four daughters or I have escaped into my art studio in the basement.
July 27th, 2010
I'm a Media Buyer in a Advertising Media Agency.
July 27th, 2010
Simon, your job rocks.....

I am a Civil Servant, dealing with security & counter terrorism.....
July 27th, 2010
I'm a writer--I write YA and adult fantasy (not "Adult" fantasy, as in the steamy stuff, but the science fiction type!)
I love reading what everyone's jobs are--great idea, Steve!
July 27th, 2010
I am a stay-at-home mom to 5 (4 boys and 1 girl)...went through college to be a travel agent, but got married and started having babies before ever working at an actual agency. Closest I ever got was 3 yrs working frontdesk at a hotel. I just tell anyone who asks that I am "retired" (I am 36 lol).
July 27th, 2010
I am an ex-trapeze artist, body piercer and secondary schoool teacher and am now managing and buying in a ski and mountain bike shop. I'm looking to get back into teaching sustainable design or start my own business. Who knows where I'll end up!
July 27th, 2010
Great idea . . .

I'm a pre-kindergarten teacher for an at-risk pre-kindergarten program. Was working as a coordinator/parent educator for said pre-k program for two years, but, *sigh* budget cuts have me back in the classroom ~ that's my real love though so it is OK : ).
July 27th, 2010
I'm a social worker and I work at a crisis hotline. Great post idea The Steve!
July 27th, 2010
A retired teacher who plays tennis and line dances and sometimes babysits the grandkids, cooks for the kids, reads lots, loves reality TV and looks forward to 365 everyday!
July 27th, 2010
I'm an accountant - handle payments and other miscellaneous things at a shipping company based here.
July 27th, 2010
Blimey, this took off a bit more than expected! There's quite a few I want to reply to so hopefully I'll get a chance later... but this is awesome, keep the replies up folks :)
July 27th, 2010
I'm a mom to 3 teenagers and I teach fifth grade at a Christian school.
July 27th, 2010
The Steve - what a great idea for a thread! I love learing what everybody else does! :-)

I have a BA in English and American Studies, tutored English as a Second Language for a while, then taught some Bulgarian to foreigners, met my husband in the process (I was his Bulgarian teacher), got married and started traveling. We are currently renovating our second house, and I am hoping that when we move in and I get my Green Card I'll be able to find some real job... I'd love to do something photography-related, but we'll see :-) In the meantime I am having fun baking sweet treats and cooking Bulgarian food, while snapping pictures along the way :-)
July 27th, 2010
Oh, and of course, I am spreading the love and joy all around me ;-))

(a wink at Weng) ;-)
July 27th, 2010
I'm an Information and Referral Specialist for a non-profit organization. I also put together resource directories for human service type needs in my community, and I answer our local hotline for unemployed people. I LOVE my job!! I started working almost 3 years ago after doing the best job in the world for 23 years, that was being a stay at home mom. My youngest just graduated from high school so now it's time for me!

I thought the same thing when I saw the other post LOL.
July 27th, 2010
Where to start!

Well - I in magazine publishing for 10 years as a picture editor and then when I got made redundant I got a qualification in nutritional therapy. Then I realised I wasn't really into doing consultations and I missed media. That left me in a state of limbo so I got me some work experience, got on the books of a photographic agency and I'm now trying to get a photography business off the ground.

As well as that, I am involved in a new local magazine launch - it's a food & drink magazine and I do all the editorial and photography. It's looking amazing! It will be available online so I'll link it when it's all done!
July 27th, 2010
I am a psychiatric nurse working in a ward in hospital, 3 shifts. I am also a mother ot two, 19- and 13 yrs old kids. And one dog. And I'm a wife too. Nothing glamorous but very satisfying.
July 27th, 2010
I am a college student studying to be a RN, but right now I am an intern.
July 27th, 2010
well I was an assistant manager in a bookshop, which was a pretty brilliant job, then motherhood and redundancy coincided and I now stay home with my daughter...loving every minute - my pictures are all of her or the things we discover together in and around where we live...

and I recently started my own little handmade shop - this is a shameless plug - http://www.folksy.com/shops/cottonwool

I dream of being a writer...

July 27th, 2010
I'm a stay at home mommy-I have a 1yr old and a 2yr old..7 pets and a messy Italian hubby! I stay pretty busy! =)
July 27th, 2010
I am a materials scientist working on advanced electronic ceramic materials that are used for clean energy applications. Hopefully we can turn this whole climate change thing around!
July 27th, 2010
I thought the same thing too when I saw the other post and was disappointed to see that it wasn't really asking what we do with our lives. Sooo...

I'm a dental student in the UK and I'm just finishing my 3rd year, so I'm now well past halfway and have just 2 years left. I spend a lot of time looking in people's mouths and feeling in people's mouth and fixing teeth and cleaning teeth and taking teeth out. The rest of the time I get to spend time sat in a lecture theatre that is too hot in summer and too cold in winter because some clever bloke thinks that we need the air-con in winter, not summer. I love it though. I know it makes me sound mad, but it really is great. I'm looking forward to graduating though. Two years!
July 27th, 2010
I am a recent graduate of college, where I am a veterinary technician (like a nurse to a doctor for animals)

I get to help the Drs restrain the animals, take blood and monitor animals during surgery. This is my first job, so they have me answering phones and making appointments. Blech. (I'd rather do the technical stuff)
July 27th, 2010
Happily working again after a spell of being "not employed" in Investments and Investment Banking Asset Management. No, I didn't cause "it". My job is to make sure it doesn't happen. Obviously, "it" happened when they laid me off!
July 27th, 2010
ha ha, Chris is in credit risk :)
but, look where all the money's being spent now

@Slava! my hot bulgarian friend with fishnets, that's the spirit! share that love! uhh... that sounds dodgy hmmm
July 27th, 2010
I have a partime job as a accounts clerk. It is the ideal job for me, 4 days a week, school hours and 15 minutes from home. My other job is being a mum of 2 and wife of 1.
July 28th, 2010
I currently freelance in a number of different roles - ad agency commercial producer, video producer, editor, cameraman, grip, and recently as a photographer shooting behind-the-scenes stills.
July 28th, 2010
I'm the tourism development manager for our local government. Sounds odd because there are no typically "touristy" (like Disney World or something) attractions around here, but we bring in quite a lot on youth sports tournaments and limited-interest special events. Of course, I could do a lot more "developing" if we had more private product investment, but it's never boring!
July 28th, 2010
I'm a Chemical Engineer currently working in Intellectual Property.
July 28th, 2010
I am amazed at the range of jobs here. I'm just a cashier. I have a degree in journalism, I can write, I can take photos and my husband is the editor of the local paper, but I'm a cashier at Goodwill. It's okay though, I really like my job most days.
July 28th, 2010
im a high school student, no one really knows this but i write music and produce them and i hope to make a life out of it. i can not see myself doing anything else. i just hope i cant get enough nerve to tell people i produce.play,sing and write my own songs..
July 28th, 2010
Currently working at a shipping company basically being a scapegoat for everyone's complaints. At least that's what it feels like some days ;). I do customer service, as well as deal with packages that didn't get delivered that day. Scanning, phone calls, putting it away, redels, redirects, address corrections, etc.

I am also looking for a new job. One that actually uses my psychology degree.
July 28th, 2010
I am a college professor in a rural community college.
July 28th, 2010
I teach high school English and LOVE it. I am also a mommy to two.

Great topic. Thanks for starting the thread. I enjoyed reading what people do when they're not taking photos.
July 28th, 2010
I am a part time massage therapist and a full time mom to the 3 Stooges - version 2.0. (My dream job as a child was to be a cashier so Heather - don't sell yourself short! ;) This is a great thread...
July 28th, 2010
I am a mom to 2, wife to 1, farm hand, pizza maker, landscaper, and a teacher looking for a full time job.. I try to have my hands into everything, I want to make the most of my time. I am also going back to school to get my masters, so I'm a student too..
July 28th, 2010
Wow.. I love Faeriemoon and Simon's job the best! Unfortunately I am just a CPA (Accountant).. boring stuff!!! I would rather be a photographer :), but then I wouldn't call it job at all!
July 28th, 2010
I am also a mommy and wife and when I am not working providing phone support for accounting software, I am outside playing as often as possible. I am happy to report that I love what I do - all of it! =D
July 28th, 2010
I'm an Operations Technician with twenty-six years experience in the natural gas industry working for West Virginia’s largest natural gas distributor.

July 28th, 2010
I'm a Material Inventory Control clerk for the power company.
July 28th, 2010
It's crazy the range of things we all Do here! My day job is a substitute teacher who is looking for a full time gig teaching art in high school. But I also dabble in animation and film industry... everyone go see Dinner for Schmucks!!!!
July 28th, 2010
had a range of jobs; washed cars, was a fraud analyst for a big US bank; conducted seminars for farmers; currently doing online support for a gambling site. been employed for 6 years but always in the wrong industry. always dreamed about making a living out of visual arts though...i'm 28 and i hope it's never too late. :)
July 28th, 2010

I'm a technically a Project Manager (which means nothing) but I do technical writing, training videos, preventative maintenance, environmental records, and R&D for a growing photography company. We've got about 1500 employees now, and yes, I still cover all those departments. I love my job and am really grateful for it.
July 28th, 2010
I'm a stay at home mom to three amazing kids. I love my job, and count it a high honour to be raising up the next generation of men and women.
July 28th, 2010
I love the way this thread took off - I would have never guessed what some of you do for a living! ;-) I keep coming back and reading more!

@Weng: your description of me made me laugh!! ;-)) We'll keep sharing the love!! ;-))
July 28th, 2010
Great to read about what everyone does!

I am fortunate to be a stay at home mom - a girl (13 going on 30 :0) !! ) and a boy of 9. I have a BA degree in French and English. i love art and attend art classes twice a week (oils), and my husband is still hoping that one day I'll sell a painting! LOL!
July 28th, 2010
This is totally amazing! Suddenly brings everybody to life! I'm an 'heir hunter'. Work for a probate company tracing next of kin of people who die without leaving a will, a genealogist. Before that I had a small gardening business maintaining people's gardens until my poor body said enough is enough!!
July 28th, 2010
work p/t outside the home, am a single mom and runs two online businesses.working on becoming a freelance photographer.
July 28th, 2010
Dispatcher for the Disneyland Resort..... 911 calls all the way to a phone transfer (we do it all)
July 28th, 2010
I'm a busy full time mum to our son (18mths) and daughter (4mths). Prior to that I worked in accounting and finance, and before that I served in the New Zealand Air Force. Dream job however is, like many others, as a Photographer so I aim to learn and experience as much as I can over the next year or two and hope to bring that to fruition!
July 28th, 2010
I love the idea of this thread!

I am a new university student! haha I just graduated highschool and now I'm in university studying to hopefully (and eventually) get my doctorate in psychology so I can be a clinical psychologist when i'm all grown up. :p
July 28th, 2010
I'm a Parish Priest in a city church in Belfast, Northern Ireland. Used to be a teacher of Religious Studies in high school (11 - 18 year olds).
July 28th, 2010
I am the Legal Co-Orindator for a personal injuries law firm. I have been working in legal firms since I left school.
July 28th, 2010
I am loving this thread (: We have a whole town here...
July 28th, 2010
You are so right Faerie....we have everybody we need here to sustain a community!
July 28th, 2010
Thats an interesting discussion!!!
Right now I'm working in a marketing research company as marketing analyst. I have major in BA from Westminster University. Living in Kuwait for 3 years (seem like an eternity for me ))) before I lived in Dubai for 10 years, but my motherland is Uzbekistan (Tashkent city)... Well, my native language is Russian... I'm 24 and last year I got married!
I have two dogs and I really would like to open my photography studio )))) well, i guess most of us has the same dream here ))))
July 28th, 2010
I work part-time as a clerk for a local Board of Health and I also clerk a few hours a week for the Building Inspector. My job is very flexible, which fits in very well with my other job as mom.
July 28th, 2010
i work in the corporate office for a clothing retailer.....my hubby on the otherhand, works for the local cable company as a producer/director, he makes all the local commercials...i think that's a way neater job than mine....
July 28th, 2010
i sharpen keno pencils !!!

hahahahaha nah im a aged care nurse
July 28th, 2010
Oh this is so neat to see what everyone does :)

Right now I am a stay at home mom to my beautiful daughter. But before we moved I was a manager at Ladies clothing store called Cato. I have also been a bartender, appointment coordinator and title examiner.
July 28th, 2010
LOVE this thread!

up until 10 months ago i worked in surgery at a hospital...lost my job, divorced my husband 2 months later. currently i am a gypsee...living with a friend and house~sitting for many and am a professional gardener (for the last 8 years during the summer months)....and not sure what after september...but perfectly content with that :) i am also the mother of 2 teenage sons and am thoroughly enjoying my time with them.
July 28th, 2010
Graphic designer working for the local authority producing tourism (the local holiday guide) and corporate (including rebranding) material.
Right now putting together a presentation to attract sponsors into the area for the London 2012 sailing events right here in little old Weymouth and Portland.
July 28th, 2010
Am I the ONLY retired person here? lol. Over the years I was primarily a stay at home mom raising three children. At 70, I am now very into photography, sculpting, enjoying my time with my husband, kids/grandkids, and dog and loving the "Golden Years". As long as one has their health, these years are truly golden so don't bemoan getting older. Take good care NOW to be healthy when you are older.
July 28th, 2010
Looks like Gen and I are in the same boat - although I do enjoy my job. Mostly because of the environment and my orange chair. It's a glorious chair :D
July 28th, 2010
A year ago I packed in an executive marketing career (there IS more to life than boardrooms) and now juggle part-time Mom, with marketing game lodges in Southern Africa's transfrontier parks, and management consulting to an NGO who develop appropriate mobile phone technologies for the support of people infected and affected by HIV/Aids.
July 28th, 2010
I'm a sound engineer/editor running my own business producing listening materials for educational purposes and stuff like audio guides for museums, castles etc.
July 28th, 2010
I am so enjoying finding out what everyone does.
I myself work as an ICU nurse. I work full time nights which may explain the odd hours I leave comments haha
July 28th, 2010
Great thread! This is so interesting, seeing what people do for a living. I work in Human Resources and although I do a variety of different things the majority of my time is spent dealing with immigration matters. (I secure work visas for people). If that sounds dull... oh boy, is it ever! :) But fortunately I have a fabulous group of co-workers (including 365's Catherine L., Chimom and Sue Stephenson) who make the job much more enjoyable.
July 28th, 2010
student studying towards an engineering degree. currently doing an internship in germany :)
July 28th, 2010
I'm a wife and mom and a "retired" musician who teaches private harp lessons to people of all ages. Once I worked at McDonalds - it was not that great! I was also a real-estate agent.
July 28th, 2010
I'm a student.
But I want to be a photographer.
I'm going to be a freshman in Highschool.
I volunteer at a preschool and help my mom who is a teacher.
July 28th, 2010
I am a restaurant supervisor.

Not that exciting :o(

July 28th, 2010
I do what Ed does. And make Tea....

Great thread eyebrows
July 29th, 2010
I'm a medical secretary at a local primary care centre two days a week. The other three days I am the administrator of a skin cancer clinic. I do everything, except cut bits out of people, from the moment we get the referral to the discharge letter. I realy love my job. When I retire (haha. probably never at the rate the government keep hiking up retirement age!) I want to spend more time on photography. I always carry my camera with me in case I find that "perfect shot" and this project has helped me focus enormously on getting the best I can out of my camera. I am also a mother of three sons and granny of five girls aged 14 down to eight weeks

Great idea for a thread.
July 29th, 2010
I am vice president of accounting for a real estate and investment firm. I spend the majority of my time dealing with investors, bankers, judges and asset managers for various REITS, third party property management, distressed assets, receiverships and foreclosed commercial(office, industrial, retail) real estate. The other majority of my time is pulling together compilations, cash flow statements, aquisition entries, monthly/quarterly financials and managing a 12 person accounting department, and the other majority of my time I am trying to figure out how in the hell did a left handed, gemini find herself in the accounting department..and how in the hell am I going to get out of it....Any one looking for a rookie photographer???????
July 29th, 2010
I am a real estate agent. Anyone need a place in northern Michigan?? :o)
July 29th, 2010
I'm a mechanical engineer focusing on green energy building design. I like to think I'm making a difference in the world. When's school's in session I spend a lot of my Saturdays tutoring kids at the library.
July 29th, 2010
I am a primary school teacher, but am currently on leave and being a SAHM to my little boys, I also have another on the way :) I sew children's tops and sell them on Etsy and Made It (handmade websites) to keep myself creative and earn a little bit of extra money.
July 29th, 2010
I started reading this thread and couldn't stop - great idea, The Steve! I worked as the secretary to the principal of an elementary school for 27 years and retired 3 years ago. Now I fill in for secretaries or clerks who are out ill or who have to be out for surgery, etc. I also work for the district admissions office during peak times when they need extra bodies to register kids for school. I love the part-time work - I get to keep my skills honed and it's fun to still be part of the field of education. I missed it a lot the first year I retired. I'm finding a whole new part of me with this 365 project. I didn't even know I would like taking pictures so much! Now I've rambled on too long. Loved reading all of your replies.
July 29th, 2010
Cool thread ... I'm an analyst and I work for the Canada Border Services Agency. We deal with the movement of goods (including plants, food and animals) and people across our international border.

I'm still not sure how I ended up where I did, seeing as how I studied graphic arts at college! BTW - that may explain why I'm so fascinated with the processing aspect of digital photography. What used to be hours of artwork/planning/darkroom/printing work (with sometimes unpredictable results), can be done in a matter of minutes...and you know EXACTLY what it will look like!
July 29th, 2010
I love seeing all the different things people do!

I teach chemistry at a smallish state university. I've been a database programmer, cancer researcher, and stay-at-home mom in my "past lives" My current job is a close second favorite to staying home and raising my son - but he's grown up now and doesn't need so much time! ;)
July 29th, 2010
I work for a charity teaching adults with learning difficulties
July 29th, 2010
I'm a graduate student studying Cell and Molecular Biology. I plan to be a research biologist when I get out.
July 29th, 2010
Mom and student... Very diverse group of individuals here. :)
July 29th, 2010
I am a registered vascular technologist & the clinical directior of a vascular lab in Reading, Pa.
July 29th, 2010
Until November I worked at a group of radio stations as an Interactive Account Manager - that means I sold advertising and sponsorship for our websites... before that I was the Marketing and Promotions Director for the radio station. Now, I'm a stay-at-home mom. My son is in Grade 1 next year so I might go back to work - if the right thing comes along and gets me excited! Feel very fortunate to be able to pick and choose.
July 30th, 2010
I have my own daycare. I used to teach at a Montessori school until I went on maternity leave and didn't want to go back to work...so i decided to do business at home.

I LOOOVE Clarissa and Simon's job =)

July 30th, 2010
I am a full time student at a community college. I'm studying business education. I also work part time at Big Bowl. Anyone heard of it? It's part of Lettuce Entertain You. Great discussion post btw!
July 30th, 2010
Love this thread! I am a Graphic Designer. I create sales aids for a telephone directory publisher/ad agency. I make maps and other pieces to show potential advertisers how great the company is, so the sales force can rake in the money.
July 30th, 2010
Archaeologist - mostly working in the Pilbara region in Western Australia. I love my job! If the industry suddenly died and there were no more paying archaeology jobs I'd still do it as a volunteer...actually, I still do some volunteer archaeology in my spare time! :) We spend most of our time walking up and down the countryside looking for stone tools and rockshelters, occasionally digging small holes (it takes a LOT longer than Time Team makes it out to be...at least if you are doing a good job), a lot of time getting to sites and an unfortunate amount of time writing reports.
July 30th, 2010
Now retired - previously worked for a Member of Parliament and the Trades Union Congress.
For a number of years, together with my brother, I have been researching Family Histories (in the UK). Also I am having much fun enjoying my grand children.
July 30th, 2010
This is exciting to know what others do for a living as I am a university professor specializing in career counseling. I am also a digital artist. Never could decide on one occupation to pursue.
July 30th, 2010
I'm a web developer, I make websites all day, shops, apps, 365project.org ;-)
July 30th, 2010
Aww, Richard--I have my minor in anthropology and am so jealous! Funding....
July 30th, 2010
Was a General Manager for a London based Arts Authority managing two separate complexes: an Arts Centre and a Museum. Then worked as Production Manager for a London Arts Consultancy. When Mike my husband retired, I 'stopped' as well, but we're both heavily into design and marketing for arts events, on a voluntary basis, near where we now live in Wiltshire. Just signed up for my MA with the Open University. Help!! Fingers crossed I get through the first year.
July 30th, 2010
I work for a non profit org preparing digital documents so that they can be read/heard by the disabled.
July 30th, 2010
I am a teacher of the blind and visually impaired, specializing in infants and preschoolers, though my caseload can include ages birth to 22yrs.
July 30th, 2010
I'm an artist. I mainly paint (acrylics, oils, gouache) and sketch. :)
July 31st, 2010
I am a freelance musician... I write and record music, I play in bands and orchestras, do sessions, and teach music... I play drumkit, timpani, orchestral percussion, etc - and also piano and keyboards...
July 31st, 2010
Fabulous Thread. As many said before, it hooked me. We started as a village, but think now we have a country of specialists. I am a principal at an elementary school (or for those of you across the pond, a primary school--ages 3-11). Also, a mom, gardener, puppy lover and cancer survivor. Loving seeing life from different perspectives---and this project has taught me so much more about this.
July 31st, 2010
This might come as a shocker but I'm a... photographer! I specialize in family, child and ZED cards for models. I love what I do. I am planning to focus more on Seniors and getting my name into the local high schools. I love working with teenagers.
July 31st, 2010
I should add, I only work part time because I am also a mommy to 3 kids and wife to a husband who is awesome but travels alot and so the kids need mommy around more. Once they are all in school full time, I plan to increase my availability so I can work full time at this.
July 31st, 2010
I work fulltime as an elementary teacher (ages 4-12 in this country)
.I love my job , but love my non working time even more!
I love all the the vacationtime that comes with this job. When I'm not working I spend my time taking care of / spending time with my two horses and my two cats.I love being at home just relaxing in my little backyard or reading a book.
July 31st, 2010
Gosh, I really love this thread! I have to keep coming back to see if more people have replied. What a talented group of people we have here!!

Thanks so much to Ross for starting this project and letting me be a part of it.
July 31st, 2010
I'm fortunate enough to be a stay-at-home mom but since kindergarten began last year I have found myself with extra time on my hands. My work experience was primarily in marketing, fundraising and event planning. Needless to say the PTA snapped me up when they learned all that. I am now the chairperson for the upcoming Fall Festival - the school's largest fundraiser. I also love any moment when I am surrounded by books so I volunteer at my local library weekly and assist with book sales. If I could have any job listed here, it would certainly be Simon Armstrong's!
July 31st, 2010
I just recently moved out of the classroom as a Special Education teacher in Louisiana to a position as a Behavior Consultant with a school system in Tennessee. I LOVE my job! I work a lot with teachers who have children with autism in their classes and need help understanding and serving these students. I do a lot of trainings for teachers in the county related to autism and behavior.

My goal for the next few years is to get my non-profit up and going to help fund adoptions. I would eventually love to be able to run my non-profit full time if it takes off. After receiving help to cover financial cost of adopting from friends and family, I felt led to do the same for others.
July 31st, 2010
I am a labor and delivery nurse for the past 8 years. I love my job! I am also just starting my own photography business on the side which is time consuming but pure fun!
What a great thread! I always wondered what others did:) Cool jobs out there!
July 31st, 2010
i design clothes, quilts,bags ,,etc,,love to cook & bake ,presently doing my level 3 in french..
July 31st, 2010
I was off travelling on a business trip, so only now caught on to this thread.
I am a scientist. Started out as a molecular biologist, but switched to biofuel research, now doing food chemistry. I work for an enzyme company and do a fair bit of travelling. Mostly troubleshooting, product trials annd training. The rest of the time I spend running experiments in the lab.

People have some really interesting jobs out there. Very cool thread.
July 31st, 2010
Right now I stay at home with my two year old. I just quit my job to go with my husband to Kansas for a new job. I was a respiratory therapist and worked mostly in NICU. I was/am always called a nurse, so I have decided to go to nursing school. It just so happens that the town we live in has an RRT (which is what I am) to RN program. So, my passion is babies, so I will prob work in labor and delivery, NICU, or a pediatricians office. I guess only the future will tell! On the side I want to start up my own photography bussiness, and of course take pictures of the babies and kiddos!!
July 31st, 2010
I'm a full time college student. I guess that means I have all of the options in the world ahead of me! I declared an English Education major with a Journalism Education minor, but am now seriously considering Communications. I love speaking in public, so we'll see where that takes me.
Besides that, my current full time job is looking for a full time job. Without any work experience it's hard to find anything.
July 31st, 2010
I'm a Recreation Therapist in Oklahoma. I work with children and early adolescents in a Behavioral Health Inpatient Hospital. I truely love my job, I get to do fun things with them to help promote self-esteem, healthly living, anger management, socialization and other life skills. I can see myself doing this forever, but sometimes I get the itch to go back to school to be a vet.
July 31st, 2010
I'm retired. Worked for many years for a government agency here in New Jersey as an office manager. Wished for all those years, and still wishing, that I was doing something else. I got my degree in college later in life, because of marriage, children, etc., and my majors were psychology and fine art. Never have used the degree because I felt I was too old to change careers. I am single, but spend a lot of time babysitting a grandson. Do I sound like I'm whining? Well, OK, maybe I am. Some days, I would like a 'do over'. This is one of those days, I guess. :)
August 1st, 2010
i am a reg nurse in an operating theater at a private hospital...loving photography as much as i love my work!
August 1st, 2010
I am a Spa Director. My background includes being a licensed cosmetologist, certified color educator for Aveda, and platform artist. I love the beauty business. I worked as a stylist while I put myself through college. I have a BS in Marketing, with a minor in Management. Since hurricane Katrina washed away the spa at the Casino Magic Resort and Spa in Bay St. Louis, MS, I have been a stay at home mom to my 3 kiddos (ages 6, 5, and 2). The job I have now is by far the MOST challenging of them all!
August 1st, 2010
I'm a retired insurance broker. Sold my agency, stayed home for a couple of months, got bored to death and went back to work 8 years ago as an aide to a City Councilman. 4 1/2 more years I can retire again!
August 1st, 2010
I'm a PhD student working on my PhD in medical entomology. I am also currently working as a microbiologist.
August 1st, 2010
i'm a graphic design student but i'm discovering it's really not my field because i just want to draw durpy cartoons all day.
August 1st, 2010
I'm bar staff in the function suite here doing weddings.

I study Textile Design at uni.
August 8th, 2010
I'm just going into sixth form to study biology, maths, chemistry and physics and hopefully doing a photography course outside of school. I want to be a pediatrician in the future but maybe do some part-time photography at uni. I have a saturday job as a waitress at a local italian cafe at the moment.
August 8th, 2010
I am a bit late signing on to this thread. But I enjoyed reading all the others. I
I am retired and love it. I spend my time doing mixed media art and have started doing art quilting. In another life I was a chemical lab technician long enough to send my kids through college. Then I was made redundant and became an artist. I spend as much time as possible spoiling our two grandsons which is why we moved to Iowa 4 years ago.
August 9th, 2010
I'm a nursing student (well, will be in 2 weeks!). Since that is literally full time, I'm unhappily unemploymed, so I bring in some income doing freelance photography work, usually motorsports and MMA fighting. Just now moving into portraits and weddings since it pays well, we'll see how that goes.

Before I went back to school, I was a microbiologist for a clinical lab, and also worked for a car magazine as a photographer.
August 14th, 2010
I'm a flight attendant:). I love my job as I love travelling & love taking photos. I think those two compliment ea other:).
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