Hi, I'm new

July 30th, 2010
Hey! I'm so excited to do this project! I literally stumbled across it on Google. It's perfect because my camera has been neglected and I can't wait to refreshen my creativity - with a like-minded community! Since I am new, what elements of 365project has been especially beneficial to you? Also, I would LOVE feedback on my photos and I will do the same for you. More than anything, I want to get better at this art. I have a Nikon D50. No special lighting or even editing software. Would like to gain them in the future but for now I've just got to start shooting. I realize that if I wait for the right amount of equipment or even discipline, it will never happen. I love photographing people, mostly my family but would love to gain confidence to approach strangers who are telling me stories by their lives. (Any advice on that is also welcome) Thanks for reading! -Autumn
July 30th, 2010
Welcome-no advice just have fun with it. It is a great project
July 30th, 2010
welcome to 365! it looks like you're off to a good start! :)
July 30th, 2010
I Autumn, welcome. I too don't really have any advice, just have fun with it. This is a fun community and you're sure to enjoy it here!
July 30th, 2010
welcome Autumn- The thing I find most helpful on this site is the feedback from other people, it lets me know if I was on the right track with my picture. Also, you can post a discussion question asking for advice with anything, and people will give you tips and pointers (you can also go back and read previous ones). The people on here aren't at all bashful about helping eachother out. My advice- have fun, think out side of the box, and ask yourself everyday- "did I learn anything new today!"
July 30th, 2010
Hi Autumn, and welcome! Follow lots of people. They tend to follow you back. You get more feedback that way. It can take some time to get to that point, but it comes eventually. Plus, there is a critique section for anything specific you want critiqued. You'll find lots of info in the discussion section that will help you learn, too. We're all in this together, and it is ssooo fun!
July 30th, 2010
Welcome! I'm new too, I just joined the day before yesterday :D I'm already looking for opportunities everywhere I go, lol.
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