Editing tool uses the most

July 30th, 2010
What editing tool do you you the most? I use the histogram, unsharp mask, and curves the most in Paint Shop Pro. I was wondering if there are other editing tools that are commonly used that I need to learn.
July 30th, 2010
Levels, soft light layer (at a low opacity), color curves (photoshop elements), and hue/sat. As needed, I dodge and burn and I almost always use that tool on eyes to make them pop.
July 30th, 2010
Curves and dodge/burn to lighten dark areas. I also use the 'fix' in CS4 to fix blemishes if needed. I downloaded a bunch of free actions from Pioneer Woman and also from MCP and those are great!
July 30th, 2010
I haven't done any editing in a while, but usually the tool I use most is contrast.
July 30th, 2010
on picnik i use cross process.
July 30th, 2010
Crop mainly, and sometimes sharpening & slightly increase the contrast. Dont tend to use much :-)
July 30th, 2010
tone curve, saturation, contrast, exposure and vigniette
July 30th, 2010
oh and i'm using lightroom 3
July 30th, 2010
I use lightroom presets alot. I also adjust the exposure, vibrance, and clarity. Does anyone know how to operate the soft focus or if there is an airbrush effect in lightroom?
July 31st, 2010
unsharp mask mostly, plus hue/saturation
July 31st, 2010
auto tone, auto contrast, auto color
July 31st, 2010
Auto levels and auto colour (not all the time - sometimes I don't like what the auto things do), brightness/contrast, and adjusting colour balance/selective colour to really bring things out. :)

Occasionally I'll add a Lighten (if the black is too harsh) or a Darken (if the whites are too bright) layer.
July 31st, 2010
^ Photoshop CS3.
July 31st, 2010
(And, on rare occasions, Curves, although I prefer using brightness/contrast as I feel I have more control over it.)
July 31st, 2010
On Picnik.com I use cross process, adjustable threshold and overlay.
July 31st, 2010
I mess around with exposure and brightness also
July 31st, 2010
picnik.com I use vibrance, curves, bw, cross process...and whatever else I discover as a result of 365 sharings!
July 31st, 2010
Curves, levels, hue/saturation and unsharp mask.
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