Is your 365 project leaning in a certain way?

August 9th, 2010
So I started this project as a way to document my life this year but i'm noticing that gradually i'm taking more and more food photos. Its probably not unforseeable that this would happen but is anyone else noticing a certain trend to their project? Or am I just food obsessed? :)
August 9th, 2010
Mine is flowers.... I take a bunch of photos, then my favorites always ends up being the ones with flowers in them. I need to try to steer away from that for a while.
August 9th, 2010
it's hard not to be obessed with this site :)
....I am finding that I have been taking a lot more sky/cloud/early morning pictures :D
August 9th, 2010
its good to know i'm not the only one obsessed with something heh heh
nice work guys. Oh and Lauren, happy half year to you a few days ago ;)
August 9th, 2010
well, my project it a self portrait project. i try to make every picture really creative though, so its not just my face. :)
August 9th, 2010
I love the feel of this one ...
August 9th, 2010
I think my project is kind of all over the place - one day it's a picture of a flower that has no relevance whatsoever and the next it's a weird little part of my day. I don't think I've quite found my niche yet but I can tell that I'm starting to be more comfortable with having photos I like, as opposed to the mundane stuff I took at the start.
August 9th, 2010
I am reaaaaally interested in sunrises and sunsets, hell, I am obsessed with them!
August 9th, 2010
I'm taking a lot of food photos too but mainly because I'm doing a food magazine! I'm finding candid street shots are floating my boat :)
August 9th, 2010
I think if mine were to lean in a particular direction I'd deliberately start parodying it just to kill the leaning.

Although if you ask Jenn I'm sure I'm actually leaning towards "bland" :(
August 9th, 2010
I think Jenn would say you're leaning upwards "Ginger" :)
August 9th, 2010
Well, I have to say "nope" for me and that's the way I like it. I am learning editing and I hope my pictures are getting more creative.
August 9th, 2010
I have a TON of flower pictures on mine... also quite a bit of food pictures :)
August 9th, 2010
I'm doing the same this as hila, mines all self portraits or they incorpirate me. I do feel like alot of my pictures have a nature feel because i take alot of them outside.
August 9th, 2010
The only consistent theme for me is inconsistency! I'm all over the place, but this is helping me determine what my interests are, which I didn't know when I first started.
August 9th, 2010
im sorta late.. but thanks weng:D
August 9th, 2010
Aside from the daily shoot assignments, which I decided some assignments require too much time commitment, almost all of my shots are of flowers, insects, bugs, birds, trees, textures and the like. All of which I find either in my backyard, or on my photo walks through the local public gardens. When I try to snap people or everyday mundane objects, I don't have nearly as much fun or satisfaction.
August 9th, 2010
I do flowers when feeling lazy, as flowers are always pretty. I'm all over the place too when playing around tho. Makes it fun
August 9th, 2010
Yea, but mine are't leaning in any direction at all, although i know a lot of them dont use much but more shadow in some from post editing and they can be quite dark and moody at times. Where as others are of just random crap. June was a bloody terrible month for me...really hit a slump. Slowly picking up. Slowly, mind.

Think we should have a thread of everyone picking their shit photos recently rather then their faves haha ;) that would make a change and may be get feed back from others too
August 9th, 2010
I think my photos are getting worse and worse... So yes - it's leaning backwards!
August 10th, 2010
I got totally bug-obsessed. *lol* And this really just...happened. It happened while doing this project. I'm not sure if I will ever be able to stop.

August 10th, 2010
I have been posting a lot of flower photos. EVentually, Fall will force me away from that however.
August 10th, 2010
i tend to bounce around too! but for the most part, the common theme is my toddler. i am documenting my 30th year in my project (from 30th bday to 31st bday). Since i stay at home with my almost 2 year old, i suppose it's only natural that he's a common focus. i try to make my daily shots something that encompasses the day's activities so that i will be able to look back years from now and jog a memory....
August 10th, 2010
Definitely! Really, could I have more nature pictures?? Plants are so much more cooperative than people.

@Aaron L... Great idea for a new thread! Ha!
August 10th, 2010
Definately for me - I like the challenge of street photos, strangers, interesting / odd people, buildings and more use of Black + White. Oh and awesome vans of course!

Not sure if my results have improved since I started in January, but my interest in cameras, pictures and always looking out for a photograoh definately has!
August 10th, 2010
LOL @ Aaron L.....great idea although what may appear like crap to us others may enjoy!
August 10th, 2010
not leaning in any one spot I dont think, in fact i think that the majority of mine are very different with the exception of the pets peppered in here and there...I guess, i dont know...I try to find new things always
August 10th, 2010
Quick shots around the house of my kids. I think because I walways forget about it until the last minute.
August 11th, 2010
mine more of TOYS.... =)
August 11th, 2010
I'm still all over the place in my photos. I take some landscape, some self, some still life and whatever else pops up in my travels. I'm surprised I don't take more shots of my pets frankly
August 11th, 2010
Lately, it's been toilet-bound.
August 11th, 2010
Well, I like taking pictures of food. ;-)
And making collages of my family.
And using photos of everyday things, to visually represent some of my innermost thoughts.
That seems to be what my project is all about.
August 11th, 2010
mine seems to be of random objects and my cats....

I knew it would revolve around my cats, but the random objects kinda threw me off a little :(
I just seem to be so busy all the time! doing nothing...

And by doing this project, I have realized how boring my life really is :p
August 11th, 2010
I love your food photos, Weng....they always look so good! I looked through my last couple of shots - a dead horse fly, a pretty flower, and a teenager making obscene gestures - and all I can say is that my project is jumping all over the place! No consistency at all! I want to explore everything, and one day I feel like black&white, other like lots of color, and still other - something different! Just going with the flow ;-)
August 11th, 2010
Been very house bound due to OH broken ribs etc, so mine is mainly photos of my dog, shes amusing but i want so much to take photos of other things but im just lost and dont know what im doing??! ooh eh turned into a bit of a rant there
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