New watermark

August 12th, 2010
My husband designed me a new watermark and I would like some feed back from all of you. Please be honest, I've got my big girl pants on, I can take it, LOL!
August 12th, 2010
try taking out the white background? other than that its quite lovely :)
August 12th, 2010
Yep, I agree with Kimberly. The white is too distracting. I think the watermark should not draw the eye away from the picture. Keep it like you have it without the white background and see what you think.
August 12th, 2010
Good feedback, thx Kimberly and Dorrena!
August 12th, 2010
...although if you just get rid of background you won't see text! So I'd also get rid of background AND invert black text so it's white instead.
August 12th, 2010
I agree, love the font and design...just not the white background.
August 12th, 2010
This is true Vik, I'll get the hubby to do that. Thx, Peggy!
August 12th, 2010
I agree with all of the above comments. Also, I'm not the biggest fan of the flower. I feel like it kind of distorts the mood of the photo and takes away from it. Once you get rid of the white background and invert the text, it might work better.
That's totally just my opinion though, and I tend to like really simple and discreet watermarks.
In no way feel obligated to take my advice =)
August 12th, 2010
Just my seems more like an advertisement than a watermark. I also agree with Melissa. The flower is not my favorite either. It makes you squint to figure out what it is. I don't know the best way to keep the flower if you feel that you really want it unless you change the color or just do an outline? Maybe some others can advise on it better. Nonetheless, I like the font (again, without the white background) very much. You are blessed to have a hubby do this for you :0)
August 13th, 2010
i'm in agreement regarding the watermark with the above, but can i just stop for a moment and say that this photo is so beautiful?!! (:
are these your kiddos, or is this a client? either way, they are sooo precious!!
carry on.
August 13th, 2010
Adrienne, A photo like this deserves no distraction. Why don't you ask your Husband to try to recreate just your name along with the word photography in a soft white and then in a much smaller font. You may want to have your watermark in several colors to match a variety of background colors. The watermark itself is good looking, but I would say you want to have it as a "mark" verses something that stands out.
August 13th, 2010

Hi Adrienne, i'm a bit late, but I think you could have it accross the bottom of your photo and not just as a block in the corner there, something like Jacy Autumn's but only at the bottom (extree bottom) of the photo. You could have one like that with black text, and one with white text and change between the two depending on the photo, maybe the flower will also appear better because it wouldn't appear so crowded anymore after being stretch across the bottom of the photo! hope you understand my explanation and get what I am trying to say, keep up the good photography! ciao
August 13th, 2010
Wow, thx so much for all of the suggestions! I've considered them all and will brain storm with the hubby to create another one. Thanks again, you guys rock!
August 13th, 2010
I think it's great for a website logo, but not so much for a watermark. I agree Lameez, Jacy Autumn's watermark is good...or you could just use text creatively without the colored bar or background.
August 14th, 2010
Thanks everyone, I'm taking notes and will post the adjusted watermark soon!
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