When does one become a "photographer"?

August 14th, 2010
I find this question is coming up more and more and I don't know why. When does one become a "photographer"? Is it when you get money for your pictures? Is it before then? When?
August 14th, 2010
Hmmm this is a very good topic.. Makes me think. I hope that I'm not as shallow as to think it's about money...when one gets paid.. But who knows?! Great question... :)
August 14th, 2010
I call myself a photographer when I have to (business side, going through airport security, explaining the big caemra), but really I'm just a huge photo geek. I honestly think the word photographer has lost a lot of meaning because everyone claims to be one now, and it doesn't cost very much to get the stuff to make yourself a "photographer" nowadays.

I never started using the term photographer until I started getting press passes to events and was providing coverage for a magazine. I was labeled a "staff photographer" then, so that's when I picked it up. Sometimes I still feel uncomfortable using it, especially when I'm not doing something "professionally," so that's when I use photo geek/nerd/enthusiast.
August 14th, 2010
Many people wonder about this, and I always think of the time years ago when we took pictures of family members during special events and holidays with our instamatics, or we would play around and grab all the unexpected funny pics of our sibblings. I think there comes a time when we move from taking the quick "picture" to actually taking "photographs." When we begin looking at our subjects in a different light. How are we going to compose this one? What kind of lighting do we want? I think it all plays into the use of the word. If youare getting paid for taking photogrpahs, yes, then I would say you are a professionmal photographer. If your enriching your life with the enjoyment of capturing great moments that you want to share with others in the form of "art" then you are a photographer. Either way you look at it, that's what you are.
August 14th, 2010
Yes, there is a differance in (photographer) and (professional photographer)
Professional get's paid cash money. And most of all others get paid in personal satisfaction and pure joy of capturing a particular moment in time and being able to share it with others. The professional has to be concerned with much more than just pleasing himself/herself, and that can take some of the fun out of taking pictures
August 14th, 2010
I believe it's when that someone says to you "They are beautiful Photos, you're such a great Photographer, I'd love it if you could do
some photos of our ......."Wedding? Anniversary? Child's Special Occasion, Family Portrait, Graduation, Uni grad, Baptism, anything that Frightens the daylights out of you, but they trust you so much because of what they see in your photos, that is when I think I would feel like I'm a Photographer.
Agree with Richard re the professional Photographer!! too. That is when the money begins to make the difference as Richard said, then you ask yourself "Am I still having Fun?".
August 14th, 2010
Could it be that you are a photographer whenever you use a camera?
Does it matter how good you are, if you aspire to be one who is to say otherwise.
I believe everyone on the 365project is a photographer, capturing an image makes one a photographer, I don't believe that it has anything to do with whether the photograph is good, bad or beautiful, everyone's opinion is different.
There is a lot of popular art out there that some people find beautiful, others would not give it a second look but it is all created by artists.
In the past I have been paid for some of my images, but I do not make a living from them, I guess this makes me a semi-professional as I have received payment, but I would never class myself as a professional photographer.
Good thread!
August 14th, 2010
I believe that are are two types of photographers....Anyone that has a love of photography and spends time on their passion is a photographer, Anyone who uses photography as a means of money is a photographer by trade.
If you start making money here and there off your photography that makes you a semi-professional. When you make money on a regular basis you are a professional.
A friend of mine loves to take pictures...she is a photographer. I love to take pictures too, but I earn a steady income from my photography through selling stock and portrait sessions.....I am a professional photographer by trade.
My dream as a photographer however has not yet been reached. I will consider myself a success when I have an image published in National Geographic.
But back to the original question..........It is my personal belief that anyone who picks up a camera on a regular basis to pursue their passion is a photographer.
August 14th, 2010
I think Peter has a good point, though - technically, one is a photographer whenever one takes a photograph... Because that's what it means, right?

Then again, I could smear some paint on something (or someone!) and that wouldn't make me "an artist"... The fact that I am able to press my finger down on the button on the top of my camera doesn't make me "a photographer" in the artistic sense...
August 14th, 2010
We're all photographers in that we use a camera. The resulting beauty is in the eye of the beholder.
August 14th, 2010
I think it's when you feel like a photographer.
August 15th, 2010
You are a photographer when you say "I am a photographer".
August 15th, 2010
m not a photographer

id rather go for enthusiast, hobbyist or amateur...

it is a profession >> =)

i agree with Heidi Gurov =) and peter ... =)

nice thread doreena....

you might want to read this....


August 15th, 2010
Thanks everyone. I read your article jaydee. All the info points to what level do we perceive ourselves to be. I have been taking pictures for years. I have been serious about them, still am. I find that even some of them are worthy of a second look. I haven't taken family gathering pictures so much as I've taken other kinds of pictures. I like the challenge and I like taking a picture and trying to make it photo worthy. I think I am doing that with my pictures. I am learning and trying the different editing techniques. I might post my before and after pics, just for fun. Personally, I call myself an amatuer photographer because I am not selling anything, yet. I guess that is when one becomes a "photographer". ;-)

I would like to add; if I am out taking pictures on the ground as mosquitos are attacking me, then dang it, I am a photographer. ;-)
August 15th, 2010
Main Entry: pho·tog·ra·pher
Pronunciation: \fə-ˈtä-grə-fər\
Function: noun
Date: 1847
: one who practices photography; especially : one who makes a business of taking photographs

That really says nothing ! People call me a photographer, and I've been painting cars all my life !! I think a photographer is a person who takes photographs and constantly strives to do a better job with the next shot ! The learning never ends !
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