What's Better?

August 16th, 2010
So I've been torn between being proud of the pictures I've been taking and just think that this is my project and no one else should judge on it: or wish people would look at my pictures more, or follow me, or comment on them. If I am putting this project out I want to think people are looking at the photos Im taking and be proud of them. I know I don't take the best photo's or have the best camera, but I love this project and what Im doing with it in the end. Is there anybody who feels the same way as i do with my project? And if so, what do think should be more important?

(I know this was slightly repetitive. It was just how I got the words down)
August 16th, 2010
i find it is good to remember why you started the project in the first place. i am doing the project because i want to develop the discipline of taking a photo a day and improve my photography skills in the process. at the end of it all, i hope to find that i have not skipped a day, there is a marked improvement in my photos, and i have 365 wonderful photos to document my year.

everything else is a wonderful bonus... getting views and comments, having people choose my photos as favorites, being part of a wonderful and supportive community, and finding friends along the way. :)
August 16th, 2010
I know exactly how you feel morgan. I always feel this way. Whether I have any commets on mine or not. When I do, I feel proud and appriciated, and when I don't I feel as if no one really cares. But its not true, they do see it. Its just sometimes, they don't have time to comment, or something. I think whats most important is to love your project no matter what. I know that I'm the pot calling the kettle black when I say to not take it personally when people don't comment.
I see every single one of your pictures, and i love them all. You are a very skilled photographer, and both of us will get better and better as it goes on. I hope this helped!
August 16th, 2010
I get it morgan. I love your photos but at the end of the day it is for you. You choose to do the project because you want to and no one else is making you. You should be proud of your photos that is all that matters. Think of it like a diary, it is your personal diary of your life, not anyone else's. Be proud of it, if nothing else, your pictures always make me smile.
Love ya
August 16th, 2010
Not sure exactly what you mean, but initially I did this project for me only so I could get better at photography. A by-product has been this forum and the great people on here, and the little following one gets is nice. But ultimately it's for me and me only. I'm not trying to please anybody but myself.
August 16th, 2010
I think I get what you mean. I think the Project is what you make of it. Some love the feedback and really get in there, but I've noticed there are some on here that have few Followers (or follow few) so I'm guessing they don't care about feedback.
Initially, I wanted to be able to give all my Followers feedback, but I've found (realistically) there aren't enough hours in the day. I've had to settle for giving feedback to those that take the time to comment.
August 16th, 2010
I totally get what you mean. I sometimes will see a photo that has over 600 views and a gizillion comments I suddenly feel, to be perfectly honest, a wee bit jealous! But then I remember that I started this for me, so I could see myself improve, and to again be perfectly honest, I have improved! :) In the end I am getting what a came for plus some pretty awesome new online friends, so I try and pack the green-eyed monster away when he rears his ugly head.
August 16th, 2010
I know what you mean. Sometimes I have to remind myself the same thing - in the end I just want something special I can look back on at the end of the year and remember each day by; which means sometimes I get torn over whether to use what I think is my best picture of the day, vs the one that is the best reflection of the day's special nature; for example, just today I had that dilemma; I had a gorgeous (I think!) picture of a bumble bee on a flower I took while out for a walk vs a not very good photo of a camp fire - in the end I chose the camp fire because it will remind me of the lovely evening with my sons and their friends playing out in the fields. But it was a tough decision - I was really tempted to put the bee out there because I thought it might impress more!
August 16th, 2010
I started the project just for me and my family really...but then friends started looking and then I got some followers..and then I got a bit addicted to joining in discussions/voting/following etc...and the whole thing has grown...
it is still just for me, my husband and our daughter really, but I think my photography is improving because I can't help loving it when someone says something nice about one of my photos!!
August 16th, 2010
I started this project a little over a week ago. I was not sure what I really wanted to get out of it. Like you, I don't have the best camera nor a massive following, in fact, my significant other does not even check out my stuff. As a beginner, the task is very daunting, just thinking of 365 different photos knocks me back a step. I have been thinking a lot on this, and I decided this is about me and what I want to do. If I can hold steady and complete this, I will feel spectacular! In the end, I will have expanded my little world, if just a bit.
August 17th, 2010
Sometimes getting comments is a matter of getting active in the community. Following others, commenting on people's pictures, particularly those of your followers but finding new people to comment on when you have the time. Posting here (as you did) and
But as other's have mentioned. The project is not about getting noticed, but rather developing as a photographer, connecting with people and sharing your work. The more you keep on with it, the more people will notice :D
August 17th, 2010
i know how you feel. i started this project for me, my friends, and family to see. but like, when i started commenting and stuff, i started to get more comments and stuff.
but it feels so good when you get a nice comment:)
lately i've been getting a little jealous that my friends get way more comments than me.. so it helps to think that comments are just extra.. and that im doing this project mainly for myself, and to improve photography
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