365 Project - and Critique

August 17th, 2010
First off, I LOVE the 365 project. My friends and family all love following my "quest", not to mention the other wonderful 365'ers :) Anyways - I'm looking for critique. I post my pictures because I like them (obviously haha) and don't get me wrong - kind words are ALLWAYS welcome, but I'd like to get better! I need harsh critique sometimes!

So if you could, please have a look at my 365 and point out ANY flaw in my pictures - I would appreciate it VERY much!

(P.S: don't be afraid to hurt my feelings! I can take it! haha :) )

August 17th, 2010
Hey Justin, my only criticism would be that to get critiques about your photos you need to start following people - zero following doesn't help in your quest for feedback! This is a reciprocal community - you comment, and you get comments in return.
August 17th, 2010
Hey, just checked out your photos - they are really good.
All i would say critique wise is on some of them there wasn't a clear focal point for the eye to be easily led to. Although you were photographing a subject or a scene(flowers, landscape etc), it might have be to far to the side or whatever for the eye to be led easily to the photo. This is just thinking about the composition of the shot and maybe even doing more cropping in photoshop. (This was on only a few photos though!) The subject doesn't need to be central just easier for somebody to focus on.If that makes sense?!
I think you capture beautiful lighting and colours in you shots and you are obviously very talented!
Hope that helps! Good luck! :-)
August 17th, 2010
I agree with Vikdaddy, you need to show interest in other peoples work, I know you've commented on mine before but by showing an interest in other peoples work will defiantly assist with critique you’re after by following others (assuming you like their work of course)
August 17th, 2010
I would have to agree with the others and say that to be followed and have comments, you have to do the same. Follow and they will follow you back :-).
August 17th, 2010
I agree with Vikdaddy, Aaron and Karen. To get more people looking at your photos, it is a must that you follow people.
August 17th, 2010
Yep, starting following people, making comments, do the browse & picks each week, get involved with the themes. All of these will help people to see your work.

One thing that I would like to mention is that I can't tell if someone is accepting of constructive critiquing or not by what they post. I rarely see any critiquiing, mostly comments from those who like the pictures. Mostly because this project is personal to everyone and most people just want to record their moments. Others though are looking for improvement but not on every picture. So, I think most people, myself included, will hesitate to say anything other then what they like about the picture. I recommend if you are looking for serious help with a picture that you note that when you post the picture otherwise you probably won't get what you expect. Although when people mention what they do like, that will help too.
August 17th, 2010
Thanks for the feedback :) I regularly comment on people photos, I never tried to "follow" anyone, so I'll pick a few and start :)
August 17th, 2010
I've already commented on you that I think you're taking great stuff, and I know you've commented on a couple of mine too, but as others have said, that "zero followers" *will* make people assume certain things and induce a negative feeling toward interacting with you which really would be a shame, I'm sure :)
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