Any of you do this?

August 23rd, 2010
I currently have 2 albums. The original isl 365 and that is where my theme picture goes. The other one is "Whatintheworld" and I started it for quirky and offbeat shots. When I post the 2 pictures, I mentally predict which will evoke a bigger response. Often times I am wrong and I am taken by surprise by what element of a picture engenders the most personal feelings in the viewer. Are any of you surprised in the same way by the comments you receive?
August 23rd, 2010
yes, often photos i don't like as much to begin with are ones i get most response to! and some of my favourite shots have had a lot less attention!
August 23rd, 2010
Often a photo I think will be popular isn't, and one that I think little of is! Sometimes though I think it's luck and timing; it only takes a couple of people making a pic a 'fave' early on and it can snowball to the popular page and beyond...
August 23rd, 2010
Yup! I know exactly how you feel :)
August 23rd, 2010
constantly ... I have 3 albums: my 365 (theme pic/best daily etc), one for 'fun' (cause sometimes by 'fav' isn't necessarily my 'best') and one for 'processed' photos (like processed beyond recognition - processed)

I am constantly surprised about which photos people comment on ...
August 23rd, 2010
oh my gosh I was JUST thinking about that the other day!!
its like my most favorite photos are never as popular as I think they will be...and the ones I dont really think about or just accidentally get and take less time to edit are the ones that gain the most popularity. Sometimes my prediction is right, but the majority of the time, I have no idea what to expect lol
August 23rd, 2010
I only have one album but still am surprised when a shot I thought was barely worthy of posting gets "favorited" many times...just proves that photography is a personal thing much like food, books, clothes, or car choices, etc.
Case in point...
August 24th, 2010
i dont get many comments... Not sure why, maybe people are just busy
August 24th, 2010
I often am surprised. Often people share childhood memories, fears or random stories that were invoked by a shot. It's so cool to connect with people like that, all over an image. It makes you view the image differently as well, and see it through the eyes of others.
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