which eye ???

August 24th, 2010
heres a quick question for some of u too answer or maybe all of u !!!

Which eye do u look through the veiw finder with ??

Just wondering if this makes any difference ?? Do you get crooked horizons ???

I use my right eye with an eye peice extention and im right handed !! but am also blind in the left eye so the use of the left is way out for me lol
August 24th, 2010
I usually use the LCD screen actually. But when I do use the eye piece, I use my right eye. I am also right handed so I don't know if that makes a difference at all - dominate side, etc.
August 24th, 2010
Left eye! Although I have no SLR, but when I used my friend's, and used my right eye, it was a pain :(
So left :P
August 24th, 2010
LOL - I actually had to hold the camera up to my face to find out which eye I use and, like you, it is my right eye. I am right handed too. I wonder if that makes a difference. And yes, sometimes my horizon is crooked! But then so is my smile!
August 24th, 2010
I use my left eye. I can't even make my left eye close so only my right is open lol
August 24th, 2010
Right.... and no wonder I have so many more wrinkles on the left.... *fun ;)
August 24th, 2010
I am right-handed, but use only my left eye to take photos. For some reason, I can get my nose out of the way better when I turn to the left. lol. I did read that it makes a difference with horizons as well as frames in general, but I don't know.
August 24th, 2010
im left handed, but i use my right eye:)
for some reason i do everything with my right, except write:)
August 24th, 2010
I'm right and left-handed so I end up using both eyes--depending on what I'm trying to photograph. I haven't noticed it makes a difference. (:
August 24th, 2010
I use both eyes but I think I use my right eye more!
August 24th, 2010
I use my left eye. I am right handed, but I don't think that has anything to do with it. Even though my glasses even out my vision, my left eye is stronger and always has been my "good eye."

When my husband was teaching me to use an SLR many years ago he told me to use my right eye and it wasn't until I started using my left eye without even thinking about it that I was able to take a straight or in focus photo.
August 24th, 2010
I always use my right eye.
August 24th, 2010
right eye
August 24th, 2010
I recently read an article on how to hold you camera properly and in this it said your right eye. That was when I realised that I hold it to my left eye.......and I am left handed. Since then I have tried using my right eye and I must admitt that with my camera it does fit my face better if I use my right eye. But my natural instint is left eye
August 24th, 2010
I am right handed, but use my left eye :)
August 24th, 2010
Born left handed, trained to use my right for writing...then almost everything...left...to cut it short..."I use left eye"...=)
August 24th, 2010
i don't have a view finder anymore, but when i did i was taught to use the left and keep the right open.
August 24th, 2010
I use my right eye.
August 24th, 2010
I use my right eye and I'm right handed.
August 24th, 2010
I usually use the LCD screen, but when conditions won't permit that, it's always, always my right eye. When I try to use my left eye, my nose gets in the way. :)
August 24th, 2010
normally i use my right eye..... somtimes an LCD screen,,,
August 24th, 2010
Left eye!
August 24th, 2010
Left Eye, Left Handed, and my Left eye is my stronger eye by a long shot.
August 24th, 2010
Both eyes, but probably the left eye more, depends on the photo I'm going to take.
August 24th, 2010
I use my Left Eye exclusively. [Insert joke about Lisa Lopez here]
August 24th, 2010
I use my left eye...although I am right-handed, my left eye is dominant (if anyone's ever done archery then you'll also know your dominant eye :P)
Occasionally, I look through the screen though, it just depends what I'm doing!
August 24th, 2010
thank God for LCD screens. LOL. anyway joking aside, i use mostly my right. but it gets tired at times so it doesn't make much difference, at least for me, if i shift to my left.
August 24th, 2010
Left eye, and I am left-handed :)
August 24th, 2010
August 24th, 2010
I'm a lefty but I don't have an SLR. I used my hubby's sometimes...I usually use the LCD screen on my camera since the viewfinder is worthless.
August 24th, 2010
Right handed and use my left eye.
August 24th, 2010
Thanks for this Brenda,so very interesting.
I was dicussing this with Brenda today.
I am left handed and use my right eye,but alot of my shots aren't straight even though I think they are while I'm taking them.So my partner told me to use my left eye and what do you know...my photos are straight!
August 24th, 2010
I just had to pick up my camera to check! It's definitely a subconscious act whichever eye we use, I am left handed, but when I picked up my camera to focus... it went straight to my right eye! lol... So I tried using my left..that felt ok too... I think I have switched in the past and could, but have been using my right. I do have a small stigmatism and my right eye is a little better... maybe I will attempt switching eyes when I am photographing at work, since often (mostly when tired) my photography has a def pull to one side. though I seem to keep things straight enough.
August 24th, 2010
left eye and I'm left-handed.
August 24th, 2010
I remember learning something about eye dominance. You are either left or right eye dominant. You can check by extending your arm and sticking your thumb up. With both eyes open line your thumb up with an object in the distance. Then close one eye, if your thumb stays in place the open eye is your dominant eye. When you close your other eye, your thumb should appear to shift.

I am right eye dominant and shoot with my right eye.
(If someone knows more about this please chime in. I'm relying on some info I learned too long ago.)
August 24th, 2010
Interesting...my camera doesn't even have a viewfinder. I'm so used to using the LCD screen that I didn't even notice. When I have access to one, though, I'm right-eyed.
August 24th, 2010
Left eye, left hand. My right side is rather useless:) Sometimes I keep my right eye open to "see more".
August 24th, 2010
Right handed, right eye. Yes I get crooked stuff, but I think it's due to the weight of the camera more than anything, because when I use small cameras things aren't as crooked.
August 24th, 2010
left eye :)
August 24th, 2010
i use my right. i just tried to use my left and it was really weird. :) i don't think i have too much crookedness.
August 24th, 2010
right eye. because I'm practically blind in the left so there would be no point :)
August 24th, 2010
Always my right eye. Actually I have quite a big viewscreen, but I hardly ever use it. The more technical my camera's got, the more old skool I became in my photography. Eyepiece, manual settings and reviewing usually after the entire shoot.

btw, very simple reason for the right eye, if I use my left, my nose sticks out over the controls on the right hand side :-D
August 24th, 2010
Justin- i have read this.. i have also read that the eye you shoot with reflects your creativity in your images.. a right/left brain kind of thing.. not sure which.. i read it in a shutterbug mag i think.. lol sorry i cant remember it all :(
August 24th, 2010
I use my right eye :) I just found out that's my dominate eye too... so maybe thats why?
August 24th, 2010
I don't have an eyeview, so I use both with the screen, but if I did it would probably be my left eye because that is the one that I used on my other camera, and I am right handed.
August 24th, 2010
My left eye is almost useless (I'm pretty much legally blind in it) so I always use my right eye.
I definitely need to get an extension piece for my camera, I always get my nose and makeup all over the screen when I shoot.
Sometimes my horizons are crooked but I find that's easily fixed in photoshop and it's not too off that it cuts out a lot of the picture.
August 24th, 2010
Hmmm... I never actually thought or realized what eye I used...I think I actually use both, if wearing my glasses ...otherwise, pretttttttty sure I use my left. I OH so wish the LCD screen could be use with the DSLR's :(
August 25th, 2010
I usually use the LCD screen, but when I do use just one eye, it is my left eye...which is odd, because I'm right handed!
August 25th, 2010
Righty here. :)
August 25th, 2010
I use my right eye even though I'm left handed. So, not sure if dominant hand = dominant eye.
A tip to getting level horizons is to check for something on the sides of the viewfinder or LCD screen that you can line up. My viewfinder has a pretty handy grid in it that helps a lot to ensure level shots.
August 25th, 2010
Left eye anthough right handed. I didn't know it made a difference or meant anything till mor professional photographer than I brought it to my attention.
August 25th, 2010
Right eye. But when I do the thumb test - when I use my left eye to see the image stays still.
I have astigmatism wonder if that has anything to do with anything.
I wear Glasses and are they called trifocals.?
August 25th, 2010
I use my left eye ; ) I think that my right one is easier to wink. I might try the right one tomorrow!
August 25th, 2010
Yeah the thumb test is correct to ascertain your dominant eye. Glasses prescription can sometimes make a difference. I'm more short-sighted in my left eye which I use to shoot with, which you would think odd because it'd be not as good. But as a child when my eyes were still growing, before they became short-sighted, my left eye would've had clearer vision because it would be relatively less long-sighted/more emmetropic than the other eye. It's in childhood that ocular dominance becomes established, so it's your prescription as a child that counts. The only other thing that would make a difference would be if you had a squint, in which case you'd prefer to use your non-squinting eye.
August 25th, 2010
I actually use my left eye, but when I look through the viewfinder I have to put my face up to it thus I can't wear my glasses, thus everything always look blurry and I just always hope that my picture comes out well. xD
August 25th, 2010
I just did the test to check eye dominance and discovered that I'm left-eye dominant...but up to now I've always looked thru my right eye. Well start using the left and see if my pics improve. Thanks for this topic, maybe it will help...
August 25th, 2010
I generally use right eye in the viewfinder, and when shooting a gun, however, I've never been able to determine a dominant side with the thumb test.
August 26th, 2010
Left. Like a lot of others I can't make my left eye close. I am also left handed!
August 26th, 2010
Right eye unless the position or shot requires left but I try to avoid left eye when possible. I get squinty eye syndrome, some of you know what that is lol
August 26th, 2010
I also had to hold the camera up lol. I automactically went for the left eye and closed my right eye, but if I tried to use the right eye I had to keep the left opened.
August 26th, 2010
Yes, it's also possible to have central dominance, in which when you line your thumb up it turns out to be dead centre between your eyes and shifts a little regardless of which eye you shut. It's rare, though!
August 26th, 2010
I use my right eye.. I am very intrigued by this thread. I guess I never really thought about it. I just assumed everyone did the same.
August 26th, 2010
I shoot with my left eye, I didnt know what eye dominance was until I got into the military and was having problems shooting my weapons. The coach I had asked me to first wink with my right eye... super easy. Then he asked me to wink with my left eye.... not so easy. He told me that I need to shoot with my left eye. And it made all the difference.
Being right or left handed has not alot to do with eye dominance. I checked it out on wiki. And I can agree with, I am right handed.
August 27th, 2010
left eye...but my right one is the bad one ;-P
August 27th, 2010
Right handed, but I shoot with my left eye. I feel closer to the camera that way. This might only make sense to me though.
August 27th, 2010
Holy cow - I thought for sure I was right eye...but I'm not....I did the test and found that my left eye is dominant, and then just remembered tonight to pay attention to which one I used...Wacky!!
August 27th, 2010
Noooow, what would be really interesting is to see if the eye thing matches up with your brain - i.e. left-brained or right-brained...LOL!
August 27th, 2010
I used to use my right eye, but ever since you poseted this I switched to my left. I find using the left eye, I dont breathe on my screen and make a fog. Plus my nose isnt in the way.
August 27th, 2010
I use my right eye, but reading the last post i might try the left and see. i always have crooked horizons, my husband says its my legs not my eye, so thank god for Picasa 3 and the straighting tool.
August 28th, 2010
Right handed and I use my left eye, I had to put the camera up to my eye to figure it out.... I guess I never thought about it
August 28th, 2010
Right eye for me.
August 28th, 2010
Definitely a righty!

There is another eye dominance test that is quite fun:

Hold your arms out straight in front of you with your palms flat facing away from you and your thumbs spread out at a right-angle, now bring your hands together so that a small hole (about eye sized) is formed with your thumbs together and the sides of your hands making a little arch (I'm sure I could have explaied that better!). Look at a distant object through the hole. Now slowly bring you hands back all the way towards your face. You will automatically end up on your dominant side. In fact, it is nigh on impossible to make you hands go to your non-dominant eye without breaking visual contact with your distant object :)
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