Well, here I go.

August 25th, 2010
I feel like the last person on the planet to do a 365, but.......

A friend of mine did a music project titled 39-40 where he did a cover song every day between his 39th and 40th birthday.

Well, this was as good of a reason to get off the floor and get shooting.

How hard is it to keep the uploads up to date? shooting every day seems possible, but post and upload time sounds like the real challenge.

we'll see I guess.

August 25th, 2010
It can be a challenge some days but you just have to dedicate your self and push your self to make sure you get it done. I think there are some people on here though that take a picture everyday but don't upload them until once a week or when ever they have time to get them all uploaded. Its your project so have fun with it and Welcome to 365!!
August 25th, 2010
Welcome to this wonderful site! Like all habits, one day builds on another. Looking at others' sites, you'll gets a wealth of ideas for possibilities. Have some fun, and you're about to learn more than you'll even anticipate!
August 25th, 2010
Welcome!! For me the shooting of a picture every day, and the uploading are no problem at all. What takes up a lot of time is commenting on everyone else's awesome work!!
August 25th, 2010
Welcome to 365...if you really enjoy this, it will be no problem & no hassle. But, yes I agree with Karen, commenting is a lot of work, but viewing all the great photography is a pleasure.
August 25th, 2010
welcome aboard .. sure you will love every upload ..lol... Usually around day 100 you hit the wall .. after that its all a stroll in the park checking out all your fellow photographers handy work is part of the fun.... Enjoy (o;
August 26th, 2010
It really turns into a routine! I look forward to it everyday. You can learn sooo much! Good luck and welcome to 365!!
August 26th, 2010
Welcome aboard!
I shoot every day, but only upload every 2nd or third day. I love taking pics, but have to limit my computer time if I want to get anything else done. I have gone a week while we were on vacation, but try not to get too far behind otherwise.
August 26th, 2010
Well at first it looks like a hassle but you get used to it and you can upload photos for multiple days on one day. good luck i cant wait to seee your pics!
August 26th, 2010
I take at least a photo a day but sometimes the internet doesnt want to play ball when I'm ready to upload or the electricity is browning or off completely so they sit and wait for another day. I dont upload when we are away either but try to put each days pics on the pc so they are at least dated. Its your 365 and a record of your year so its a personal thing.
August 26th, 2010
Thanks everyone. Maybe I'll get into a good rhythm with the photos.

Tanya makes an excellent point. The photograph every day is the important bit, not so much the uploading. The uploading is just how it is going to be shared.

August 26th, 2010
I always take alot of photos everyday. It's fun then to look at them and pick my favorite and the end of the day and post. I always think -- I wonder what my photo of the day will be today?
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